What actually does Opie do wrong? (Not a troll post, explanation inside)

4  2015-02-26 by [deleted]

I dont have Satellite Radio, I listen to O&A on Youtube. Mostly the episodes with Comedians, but really any O&A video that comes up. I started listening to them last year and was disappointed when I heard about Ant because I wouldn't have any more material to listen to. But I never hear full episodes and it seems like Opie is a good show runner although Ant is obviously funnier. So what exactly is so horrible about Opie? He's never seemed completely UNFUNNY to me, and has never seemed to disrail the show in any way. Is it because I only listen to what would be considered "Best-Of" clips?

  1. Opie cannot speak or read. He has a dozen annoying crutches at a minimum and has a phlegmy, exasperated delivery. He sounds stupid, is stupid and is unpleasant to hear.

  2. He kills funny riffs by keeping the show "on schedule."

  3. He goes to the shittiest regular phone callers in radio history when the best stand ups in the country are slaughtering. You'll have a show with Ant, Jim, Patrice O'Neal and Louis CK and that makes Opie jealous that he can't contribute so he takes a call from Jeff in Saskatoon to feel relevant. Ant, Jim, Colin Quinn and Jim Jeffries in studio should never be interrupted for Donna in Rhode Island.

  4. He's a terrifically sensitive person on a cringe comedy show predicated on mocking people.

  5. He lies 24/7.

  6. He is clearly the least important aspect of the show but he gets his name first on the marquee, the biggest paycheck, and he thinks he's the star. Opie has been carried by Ant and Jim for 15 years or more and he doesn't appreciate it a bit.

He's a terrifically sensitive person on a cringe comedy show predicated on mocking people.

He'll laugh at 12 songs about Erock's tits when his are much more expansive.

and he stutters and stammers on the air like an intern despite doing radio for over 30 years.

Dude. The words Opie has had to sound out like a fucking kindergartener...

Most people here are treating opie like an ex-girlfriend.

You know when things are going good in a relationship, you kind of look past the flaws the girl has? Then when you start spending every day talking to and being around that girl you start hating those flaws and that's all you can think about? Then when that girl cheats on you and "fucks up a good thing" you sit there and think of all the shitty things about that girl and all of her negative qualities to make yourself feel better? That's what seems to be happening here. Except usually when you break up with a girl you kind of get over her in a week or 2. You don't sit there and listen to her talk on the radio for hours a day and pick apart every tweet they make and stew in all that. The people here are kind of like guys sitting at a bar saying "oh you dated her too?! That's crazy! Didnt her laugh annoy the shit out of you after a while? Wasn't her apartment always fucking disgusting? Have you seen her lately? she gained at least 20 lbs! Blah blah blah"

I'm with you. I always listen to just the opie and Anthony podcast, wait opie and Jim podcast? No it's just the "opie radio broadcast" now... and YouTube videos of comedians I like. And never realized there was so much hate for opie, I always enjoyed him almost as much as ant. But ever since I subscribed to this sub I've been reading the circlejerk about all the shitty things about opie and can definitely say I already like opie way way less and ant even more.


Yea I definitely get that. I think (Idk cuz I never visited this sub when it was actually the opie and Anthony show) that most of the hate comes from Opies actual real life actions and not his performance on his show. Opie and Anthony were partners on the radio for like 20 years and when Anthony started getting heat for those tweets, Opie didn't really do anything for his partner/"friend". He didnt speak out in support for him or anything and then resigned with Sirius. I think everyone understands that he has a good gig there and why he resigned, but he didn't even put up a fight or try to negotiate to get Anthony back when he resigned. Or really do anything at all for Anthony.

Then when it was his show he pretty much just said they were both going their separate ways and both needed to do something new, when Anthony has always been quite clear that he wanted to stay on the show. And since Anthony's twitter incident there have been months of posts on this sub pretty much showing opie doesn't give a fuck about Anthony and that he saw this as an opportunity to do his own show without him.

So yea while I agree that I never thought opie was bad on the radio and actually did like him a lot, the way he handled this situation with the guy he spent hours a day with for 20 years makes me think he's kind of a fuckhead. And once people think someone's a fuckhead they point out all the "ex-girlfriend" type of annoying shit that you just can't unhear. All his "THAT'S THE BIT!" "WE GOT CHEMISTRY BROTHA" type of shit that does actually make him less enjoyable to listen to. Add that to the fact that you know his real life morals and character, it does make him hard to like or listen to.


Opie re-signed AFTER ant was already fired. Opie has negotiating power, the opie(and Anthony) show is/was a huge show, and a big reason a lot of people probably have a Sirius subscription. Opie and Anthony had drama with Sirius during their last contract negotions(I can't recall the drama exactly) but they were a big enough part of Sirius that Sirius went through a long negotiation with them and ended up re-signing them. After Anthony got fired, Opies contract was up, and he did not try to use this opportunity to try to negotiate with Sirius to bring Anthony back, he just re-signed. While the whole time kind of going back and forth between saying that he had no control over this and saying that they both wanted to do their own thing anyway.

Besides when it was still the opie and Anthony show opie always threatened that he wasn't going to renew his contract, so I highly doubt he was in any jeapordy of putting his family out.

Except it was a bad relationship for years, and you'd been hating them for quite a while because they bitch about other people doing things that they, themselves, do. Also. Opie has tits. Like a woman.

The lying and the "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON!" where he stops someone from saying something interesting or funny so he can interject his gem

They are obsessed and will bring up things nobody else would ever notice or care about. Be prepared sir.

Honestly, you don't seem to shower, have any job, interact with other humans, have pets, take out the garbage, go outside, go to the bathroom, or do anything remotely productive. You simply spend every moment trolling this sub with your fake accounts. Given your poor diet and likely obese physique due to a lack of movement, the odds of your heart exploding or having a stroke are quite high. I look forward to it happening mid-post.

Have any proof of that? Oh wait, youre just obsessed...

You've been had...you are some Jew piece of shitnfrm Hanson, ma...that probably has had/or tried to have an Indian girlfriend. Wait until I put your cell phone number here....holy fuckaroni!

LOL! You already put his number up. So have several other people. You will NEVER find me, EVER. I win as usual. Keep digging tho, your obsession with me only fuels my fire! MISSION SUCCESSFUL!

Jeff, why are your parents no longer answering the phone? Seems strange that they didn't even try to defend themselves- at all...it's almost like you heard your phone ringing...actually, I've been blocked now.....I know some people that will have your cell number here tomorrow...enjoy buddy

You dont realize how dumb you look right now lol. Some poor guy who lives near me is getting tortured because of your obsession with me. MISSION SUCCESSFUL!

Lol OK Jeff. Remember when your dad threatened me?

LOL ur dumb.

You're caught!

I cant be stopped. But your attempts are comical and your obsession flattering.

You can't be stopped, but you can continue being a disgrace, that continues to get called daily

Excuse me sir, but i cant be stopped.

Not trying to stop you at all, Jeff. I don't get this though:

"You dont realize how dumb you look right now lol. Some poor guy who lives near me is getting tortured because of your obsession with me. MISSION SUCCESSFUL!"

How did you know he lives near you?

I live near hanson you dolt. Are you really this dumb?

Yes, but how could you know that immediately after that guy was called, that I called a guy "near you?"

I'll call tomorrow while you're at your job pushing carts.

His information was already posted yesterday lol. I win again and cant be stopped. MISSION SUCCESSFUL!

Its so sad that you're a grown man and this is your idea of fun . not a lot of women willing to spend time with you Jeff? Oh yeah you're a faggot so not enough men you annoy them all after they finish on your back?

You seem confused.

Boo Opie is awful he has to go

Nobody would notice except everyone on this sub but you. There's more of us than you think and we notice

Obsessed? How long have you been posting here and how any accounts do you have again? Your comments are pathetic.

Now ask me why I am upset.

You seem confused.

Have any proof of that? Oh wait, youre just obsessed...

You're caught!