Jim did show in spite of Opie?

9  2015-02-25 by imcreggschinkell

I was under the impression that if Opie was gonna miss a show, the show would be a 'best of'. I think this is the first time since ant got fired that it was just Jim. Maybe its just a coincidence that its a day after Opie was a no show for Cop show or maybe its Jim saying fuck you Opie. Or neither, maybe I'm just an asshole


I think he totally did. If you listened to the show, Jim mentions plenty of times how Opie is dead but you gotta move along like nothing happened and just grieve in private and all this shit. It was a total slam on Opie that he said secretively enough for the audience to pick up on. It was fantastic.

He's done that like 50 times whenever anyone wasn't in studio.

Yeah I'm pretty sure Ant has died of colon cancer or aids a dozen times.

He slipped in a puddle of AIDS that one time.

I hope chuck chimed in.

Twist: Chuck is Opie calling in from the other room like Ron used to with Iris.

Fuckin spoiler, man!

He slipped in a puddle of AIDS that one time.