Legitimate question

2  2015-02-25 by [deleted]

So Ron and fez were a radio duo who created gold for years. In the last few years, fez has kind of gone off the deep end and not been the reliable cohost he once was, yet Ron never trashed him and continues to be a loyal cohost. Opie and anthony also made magic for years, now everyone has turned on opie and is saying ant shouldnt work with him once the contracts up. Should Ant stand by opie the way Ron stood by fez when the shit hit the fan? Not looking for an argument, just valid points.

I get some of you would say "opie didn't walk when ant got fired" but he was under contract. And as far as "needing a break" I think every friendship goes through that shit. If I had to see some of my friends every day we'd get sick of each other too.

So I just want to hear some thoughts.


I still think Fez is a brilliant character and makes me laugh hysterically at least once a month. Opie obviously does not do that.

Opie tossed Ant out like garbage, lied about his relationship and business relationship with Ant and refuses to call Ant's show or promote it. Opie is nowhere near as loyal to Ant like Fez is to Ron. Opie is a dishonest, disloyal cunt. So why should Ant stand with Opie?

That's a fair argument. I honestly stopped listening a week or 2 after ant left so I don't know how much opie plugs TACS. But I do think opie anthony and Jimmy were the perfect combo, you need a straight man to allow the funny guys to riff (dvvv). Maybe I just miss the old show

He doesn't plug tacs at all there's a gag order Opie instated on tacs

Ron plugs it all the time. He did so just yesterday I believe.

I can see why Ron was so excited to move over to Rawdog. He wanted to do his own shit, and not have crap dictated to him by Opie the softskinned.

Do you think that's why they movednto raw dog ? Did Opie actually have any power over the other shows on the channel ?

I think he had pull over some guests, Ron and Fez became better overnight comic wise upon the move.

Maybe I am full of shit and management thought R&F would be better untethered on their own channel.

But why would they think that? If some softshelled crab was afraid of being upstaged to the "second fiddle" and much more loved show on his channel?

I am not sure, but something always seemed fishy to me about the move.

Ron shits all over Fez...a lot.

Always brings up him not talking, and how fun it was in the old days with happy Fez.

Fez at least does not bring the show to a screeching halt when it is flowing along. Unlike Tits McGillicutty.

Fez also does not want everything to be about him, unlike King Mammaries.

Fez makes me laugh still, he still has good lines in him, unlike Sir Milky Tits.

I think many people miss the point here. Opie and Anthony were a radio "team." It was mutually beneficial for both to work together - even if they hated each other.

When Opie refused to help Anthony, it sent a clear "I don't need you" to Anthony. He walked away from the lucrative O&A brand just to prove he could make it on his own.

His tweets are indicative to his mindset. Just today he said something along the lines of, " I must be making a quality show - I haven't been fired yet." He then followed that up by saying the OpieRadio channel has 20,000 new subscribers.

In sum, if I were Anthony, I would avoid Opie like the plague. Anthony always treated the show as a partnership. Opie treated it like a noose around his neck, and waited for the perfect opportunity to ensure Anthony would never return.

Life is turbulent enough - you don't need to walk around wondering if your business partner is going to Fredo you when you're not looking.

Yeah, Ron is kind of nasty about it...but this is years AFTER trying to fix it..we understand it..years went by where Opie had a louder less gay mouth, and we excused his coattail riding.. Fez was a great contributor at a time, and has told everyone he has problems.

TL;DR different situation

There became immediate tension when Opie re-signed.Ron and Fez still work together for the same team

Also as the other posters said Fez is hilarious and even when he doesn't speak that itself can be funny e.g the stand alone fruit.Ron made it seem (maybe it is) like a genius bit.

You are not comparing apples with apples. If Fez is not a character and has a mental illness, Ron will look bad for dumping him. That being said I do think Ron to be a loyal dude. The O&A situation is very complex and Ant getting fired is the tip of the iceberg. There are lies and deceit being spun about all facets of the show which has drawn the ire of the fans, especially on this forum.

Blech...your question is a little gey. Don't bring Ronnie B into this. You can't compare anything to Ronnie B.

Kool. Say ronnie b again

tiger taint

Whale blowhole