if you read between the tweets...

22  2015-02-25 by Hyenapotion

of the ole Opester the past couple of days it's pretty obvious that something's going on behind the scenes that's making him a little bit more paranoid than usual. Not necessarily with management, but with Jim. I'm thinking Jim wasn't happy that he didn't show up for Colin's thingy and in his own passive aggressive way all but called Opie a liar when he tweeted that dinner was at 9 and not 11 like Opie said. And Opie not showing up for work today? Well I think it's obvious as to why. Hmm...very interesting...very interesting indeed...


If Opie was half the edgy "real" broadcaster he claims to be, he would confront Jim, get into an on-air fight and create some interesting and compelling radio. He won't. He'll ignore this like he does all the stuff that makes him uncomfortable and blah radio will resume.

he is not an edgy broadcaster. Those days are over.

He is now vanilla with the occasional sprinkle thrown in. He dislikes the old fan base, and wants them gone. He wants to build up a more sedate followship.

One problem though. He is trying to dismiss his "persona" over the last years. He is crossing his fingers and hoping that people wont notice how non authentic and phony this is. He is hoping the old listeners forget about it.

Anthony had a good take on this exact thing on TACS yesterday.

He is now vanilla with the occasional sprinkle thrown in. He dislikes the old fan base, and wants them gone. He wants to build up a more sedate followship.

That right there is why it is so easy to not pity the guy for his shortcomings. He just wants the fat, cynical mouthbreathers who loved the "raw" talk of the comedians, Jim and Anthony, to stick around long enough for him to build up this new, kinder, gentler, more mainstream listenership.

But the problem is, those kinder, gentler faggots don't exist, and if they do, they're better served by other options. Without the bile, what does this show offer? Fucking UFC interviews? Pft. Jimmy characters? ME: Hey I'm a father now! Gonna have a talk with Jimmy about Uncle Paul!

Seriously, I don't know what the fuck he's thinking, unless he's just lapping management's asshole and they're whispering that he's the new Howard.

He thinks he is funny enough to the level he hang out at the comics table with the likes of Burr and Louis CK, yet also incredibly cool and intelligent, and all the listeners love him - apart from a few haters with multiple accounts. So when he mispronounces words like "warsh" he imagines all the listeners laughing way more than they did for Anthony (Opie's humour is more high-brow than that shit Anthony did), but then Opie will say "I go deep with my Deep Purple songs...lets play smoke on the water" he imagines all the listeners thinking "wow that Opie is a really knowledgable radio guy, I'm gonna go buy a t-shirt with his name on it".

He talked about how Opie is phony on TACS????

he throws in the occasional read-in-between-the-lines jab every once in a while when a caller brings it up. He is diplomatic about it though.

Opie's delusional for sure but lacks the confidence to debate anyone. He will never confront anyone that can potentially rip him to shreds (which is just about everyone)

Yep. Just listen to the Opie vs. Jim fight from years ago. You could hear in Jim's voice just how much he was holding back since all Opie could really do was pull rank and call him a fuckface. Jim knew that his gig could be gone the next day if Opie wanted him gone so he held back from completely destroying him.

Yeah that was hard to listen to. Jimmy could have absolutely torn him apart, and you could hear how close he was. "You're the boss. You're the boss".

If Opie was half the edgy "real" broadcaster

Oh for fuck's sake, fuck him. Opie is neither "edgy" nor "a broadcaster". He is the Middleman of Comedy.

In the sense he takes a taste but provides no value.

No one edgy self applies that label.

It's kind of shitty saying you didn't go to Colin's thing because you had to do morning radio the next day. Then not turn up to do radio the next day. Just another one of his lies.

I think it's worse to say you're not going because you have morning radio and your co-host and 3rd mic both go to the event and are on the show in the morning.

Nobody is asking him to go to things all the time, but would it kill him to go to an event to support a good friend ONE day of the week.

He is an old woman compared to both of them. He's got to get home in time for Matlock.

Not to mention that Vos lives in Jersey, and Opie lives down the fucking street. His wife was probably out with Uncle Bam again so he had to stay home and babysit their children.

Jimmy's Twitter: @JimNorton I had a great time at dinner last night, which luckily started around 9 pm because I had to get up this morning.

But did Colin really even want him there?

This isn't Bill Burr we're talking about here. I'm sure it was an open invitation to everyone cause Colin is just that nice of a guy.

In his demented mind he probably thought by calling out today, Jimmy would see how badly he needs him and would beg him to come back.

Baby Boy pulled this restaurant drama over F.H. Riley's. Hopefully he stays gone tomorrow, too. Fuckin' baby.

In his head he is probably like "if I go in there I'll just EXPLODE on Jimmy, so it's better for him that I stay home."

Spending eight million dollars makes you think about your future. Before you sign on the line that is dotted, you better be sure that you're financially prepared, or that contract could wipe out everything you've ever earned.

He prob needed a day off to sort through all the podcast and terrestrial radio offers pouring in for his services........

Well Jimmy sounded a bit more depressed than usual these last few days.

You'd be depressed too if you had to do 4 hours of radio with Gregg Hughes every day. Fate worse than death.

To be fair to Opie (I know we shouldn't be) the show wasn't exactly any better today.

The problem is Anthony is gone. The fucking show will always suck ass without AntH in there, or at least a handful of the regular comedians.

I thought it was much better.

He doesn't have to, he chose to. He may be in hell, but it's a hell he chose.

Yea, but what about the muh-ney. The moo-lah, as they say.


Jim's passive aggressive tweet is probably as close as we'll get to any sort of catharsis.

You're probably right, but I really hope this is some sort of tipping point.

That tweet was absolutely a fuck you to Opie. Why else would he tweet about what time his dinner started, like anyone gives a shit? It was just to expose Opie by directly contradicting him.

This is a public fuck you from Jimmy to Opie for not supporting Colin and avoiding Anthony. Jimmy doesn't do stuff like that to his friends; he must be very pissed if it's come to this.

Did anyone else say anything about the time it started (Collin, Vos, Bonnie? etc)I dont use or have twitter, but this does indeed sound interesting... )

Just opie when he said he didn't go because it started at 11, which was too late for him because he had to get up and do radio in the morning.

I understood that, I was wondering if anyone else tweeted anything about it. Thanks.

Goddamn I love O&A&J conspiracy theories, because knowing Greggshells, a bunch of them could very well be true.

Opie lubes his asshole with thermite paint.

This is a well known fact

Careful, he may restart his username.

Thank you for your service


Whats the deal with the dinner thing? I guess i missed it.


He wore a dress to the dinner?

Siiiiiigh..... I miss those days :(

"Was I at that dinner? Will you at least give me that, Senator?"

Did ope flake on a dinner with ant or suptin?

dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner


dinner dinner dinner dinner. benefit. benefit. benefit. benefit. resign. resign. resign. resign. camera camera camera camera.

ME: Good luck with the hate, MAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!

God we're all a bunch of fucking hens just gossiping

You'd prefer we talk about the content of the show?

GOD DAMMIT Opie is the worst!!

I couldn't go to Colin's thing because I got tied up... Not in the fifty shades of grey way. {deflecting immediately}

I think you guys are giving Opie way too much credit...

Hopefully he is stuck in the garbage chute of his new 7 million dollar house, suffocating slowly in filth.

To be fair to Opie (I know we shouldn't be) the show wasn't exactly any better today.

You're probably right, but I really hope this is some sort of tipping point.

He doesn't have to, he chose to. He may be in hell, but it's a hell he chose.

Yea, but what about the muh-ney. The moo-lah, as they say.