Kelly Osborne

6  2015-02-25 by KingGeorgeIVE

Has Jimmy talked about his heroes daughter making the other chick on the E! fashion show apologize?


Just heard about this latest 'racist' outrage. what a lot of bullshit. Kelly Osborne's tweets are an embarrassment though, her spelling is atrocious.

Only nepotism could get such an ugly chubster on TV.

I got a song for you too bitch, it's called Daughter Don't Sing.

Hahah I watched this the other day, Vos smiling in the background without any lines just happy to be in the presence of greatness (Chappelle and Patrice) makes "The Playa Hatas Ball" rewatchable x100

I am sure he had lines that were cut, poor Vos.



what a fucking twat she is, that little Heffer.

She's almost as dispicable as her hosebeast of a mother, but I'd prefer not to start on her.

Poor Ozzy and Jack. Seems like anyone with a cunt named Osbourne is a waste of space while the men are incredibly cool.

Yeah, because what the show needs is more celebrity gossip TMZ nonsense.

I think the point OP is making is that Jimmy constantly rails against the PC police and the people who want someone fired for their speech unless it's his friend Michelle Beadle or the daughter of a mumbling, drug addled retard who made music that 12 year old boy found edgy in the 70's.

a mumbling, drug addled retard who made music that 12 year old boy found edgy in the 70's.

Holy shit.

And isn't this from the show Joan Rivers used to be on and who's whole thing was to never apologize?

Kelly Osborne almost makes Opie seem talented...almost

I hope he doesn't. Last thing this show needs to bring back is the fucking daily apology clock.

Fat (her fault). And Ugly (not her fault).