Fat useless fuck Roland couldn't book his hero from suits Gabrielle Macht himself and wants the fans to ask nicely on Twitter... Let's destroy this relashionship don't forget to @ mention Roland, opieandjimmy

54  2015-02-24 by That70smoke


Dumb faggot Roland is a closet case.

What girl would fuck him? He doesn't have the option not to be.

What anything would fuck him? He doesn't have a option.

Let's be real here: he's an unfuckable slob. No women, man, nor beast would ever fuck him...unless they are into piggin', I suppose.

hey thats me

No girls will fuck you? Roland couldn't even pay a pro to - could you?

I lost my virginity to a prostitute when I was 23, and have since slept with about 7 different ones. I'm an ugly ass.

Well aren't you quite the ladies man

Ok so you're better off than the mutant Roland.


And if you need to learn about game go to /r/theredpill. Being ugly is no excuse for not getting pussy if you want it. Men are the ugly sex whose faces have been chiseled from generations of fighting and surviving other men trying to kill them. Women are the beautiful sex.


Yeah, cause gay dudes are known for fat acceptance

(And roland is to femme and worthless to be a gay bear)

His Mickey Mouse bathroom set was a dead giveaway.

He just plays a cool character on TV. I bet he's a real dud in an interview.

This will end... poorly.

He has CHOSEN...poorly.

"THIS is the cup of a fat, useless fuck."

Your career. It's-- dying...

I hope people don't send pictures of shit dick and suggest that they would rather eat that than watch suits...

The tub of shit blocked me - never knew that until just now.


That show fucking sucks. Figures Roland would love it.

Oh god, please I want this to be taken away from him so bad. I'm 99% sure Roland only pretends to be this "Suits" Super-fan to butter up some publicist he relies on for bookings. And if he really does like that show then fuck him. If I was forced to only watch USA Network for the rest of my life, I'd sit through every interminable 3-hour Raw shit-fest and devour every single episode of "Chrisley Knows Best" before I watched even the opening credits of "Suits." Hell, I'd watch every re-run of "Walker: Texas Ranger" before fucking "Suits."

Is this the tweet you meant to post? Where did Roland ask?

The audio is in the last minute of the aftershow if anyone wants to cut it.

if anything comes up tomorrow about it I'll clip it


are you that fucking retarded?

Who is this tool, and why did you have me visit his feed?

Because Roland is a fuckboy.

ME: (in cool-guy voice) GOT-chya.

finally something i can get behind, roland hate.