What will Joes black friends say?

12  2015-02-24 by Missuschipperson

Joe Derosa appeared today on Artie Langes podcast. Needless to say, he was not funny. However, what is funny is that Joe would appear in this vile racist's podcast! What will his black friends say about Artie's tweets about proud black female role model Cari Champion?


I know, there were even n-bombs dropped. Not that I have a problem with that. But I would think Derosa would?

When did Joe say he was against comedians making jokes?

Anytime he tried to make a joke, he made it quite clear he is against comedians making jokes. If you like Derosa so much you should go finger his asshole.

DeRosa needs to play the game. He's never gonna get ahead on talent.

If you like Derosa so much

I never even said this you flailing spastic. You're doing exactly the same shit you constantly whine about. It's about you being a hypocritical retard, and then you call Joe a hypocrite. It's isn't about Joe as a comedian.

Whoa calm down, talking too much you might accidentally bite a dudes pecker or sphincter! Safety first, friend.

Wow you aren't funny at all. Holy shit, just a boring nothing.

You're fuckin cracking me up, ass breath. Thanks for your thoughtful and thoroughly faggy contributions.

Holy shit you are just an unfunny nothing. I'm going to ignore you now. Please don't try to be funny ever again.

You're winning, 100%. Go listen to Derosas podcast with a jar of mayonnaise up your anus.

Ugh, you both are just terrible.

anthony went through a phase of being semi-openly racist on twitter. thats what joe was against. i agree with him. ant making race jokes on a show - no one had a problem with. artie hasn't done that. you guys are acting irrational

Shut up, niggerlover.

what's wrong with that?

They stink.

Hey newaccountfag are you Joe? You only comment 'on six million lies' Derosa threads.

i forgot my password and username so had to make a new one. something i do every time i delete my history and cache because my gf is staying over for a few days. i love the irony of being called a newfag in reddit: the newfag message board

if there ever was a linger longer oldfag sub it would be this, it's like lemonparty9000

Shut up nigger

"Stop calling us black. We're gay."

Joe Derosa appeared today on Artie Langes podcast.

hypocrisy grows

hate intensifies

Artie made jokes. Ant went on a racist rant.

The fucking retards that infest this sub...you claim Joe's a hypocrite but you're all going on a witch hunt because he said something you didn't like, which is exactly what happened to Anthony.

So it's okay for the Anthonys fans to attack people because they said something they didn't like, but when people do it to Anthony, it's "political correctness gone too far hurr durr what happened to the free speech".

You mongoloids can't call anyone a hypocrite, you have no self awareness at all.

Lol, "racist rant".


Hey, that's like, your opinion.

The difference is Ant didn't say anything wrong. Joe is an uppity lesser who should know his place.

Tl:Dr this guy likes Andy kindler style comedy

I ain't reading all that shit faggot

write shorter

I ain't reading all that shit faggot

5 sentences

The intelligence of the average Anthony fan everyone.

tsss who da fuck is average anthony tssssssss

Homerun photonblaster9000

I'm suprised you had time to write all those sentences in between sucking the cum out of all those guys assholes. Multi-tasking maestro.

Jesus Christ you are painfully unfunny. And you say Joe isn't funny? Holy shit dude, you are really fucking boring trash.

Hold on, just got word that Joe Derosa is taking a big racist shit and he wants your mouth on his anus. Can you take one for the team? I knew you could.

Me no understand...hulk smash.

Has Artie had any interesting guests on yet?

If Joe Derosa cannot be your friend if you are a racist, how does he have any black friends?

They would say "Joe, what part of 'white South African' don't you get?"

Anytime he tried to make a joke, he made it quite clear he is against comedians making jokes. If you like Derosa so much you should go finger his asshole.

if there ever was a linger longer oldfag sub it would be this, it's like lemonparty9000