I was listening to old stuff at the office and heard the most cringe-inducing Opie 'mafia' snippet. I literally shuddered and got literal douche chills.

29  2015-02-23 by [deleted]


now I gotta keep it vague I just realized

do ya? Good find. This is awful.

I just made that up I just realized

Chip: "I got a viral video, fuck you"

That was a little too close to home.

Chip had to been influenced by Opie.

Legit though, legit.

Doesn't by virtue of the fact that it was "legit" work mean there's nothing interesting about it?

That's like John Gotti's mailman saying he worked for the mob.

That is so embarrassing...but damn Chip is hilarious

Ha, there are some good Chip zingers in there!

Bob Kelly to Opie: "Did you see Avengers?" Chip: "Fawk Yeah, I was in it!"
What an ass

WAss That cock suckahh?

This is where you see how Chip Chipperson is Jim's way of slyly getting his kicks on Opie, "Scorching" him, as it were. In this clip, he even says "I got viral videos, fuck you." The only way to make it clearer is if Jimmy point blank stated that Chip is a deconstruction of Opie.

Chip is a cuckolded man with a stupid nickname and annoying catchphrases who bombs 24/7. Is it any surprise that Opie cannot stand this "character?"

Whether or not it's intentional, the awfulness of Chip saying "I'm in the mafia" is literally the exact awfulness of Opie saying he used to be, minus the parody aspect.

His entire voice/delivery/approach when it comes to his "mafia" stories are probably the most telling signs of his blatantly, pathetically fake stories he has come up with in his career, and there is some seriously stiff competition.

Anyone with half a brain could see that the story is 100% fake. And one of the worst things about it is that he didn't even use his lies to come up with an entertaining story for the people who believed his bullshit. He just told a blatant lie because he thought it would make him "cool" or something.

35 years ago he held a golf bag for a guy who drove a Corvette and had his last name end in a vowel and he acts like Donnie Brasco. Of course it is absolutely retarded but nobody can say that Greggshells is being a fantastically bad liar so the best we can get is stuff like Chippy D.

Hahaha. Well said.

I love how when Opie is even giving Jim douche chills, Jim will start trying to distract with a character. He did the same thing when Opie started talking about Viral Spiral.

opie definitely did work for the mafia. he's such a hardcore badass I bet he was on the way to becoming the don but then he decided he was better off with just a little taste. he didn't wanna go all in.

Ooooooff I couldn't do it.. I made it about 15 seconds.

ME:I'm obviously going for the bit here you DOPES! God I can't believe I even have to explain this! Ffuckin haters are so STUPID

ME: Nice try with the HATE!!!!! UGHHHHHHHH!!!! (in the twitter voice)

Time stamp for mobile?


He should never be allowed to Jocktober anyone.

Did he just say "I'm not a rat" without any hint of irony or sarcasm? EEEEWWWWWW

He absolutely did.

if it was legit, who the fuck cares? i never understood why this doofus made it a point to say this.

Love Bobby Kelly.

Translation: "The only job I've ever had besides radio was at a country club and I'm desperate to make that sound cool/tough/interesting."

do you post this title once every few days, or are you being a hack. there is so much circle jerking going on. enough. patrice would have a field day with all the repeated lines in here (another line you all hack from each other)

I've literally never posted about this topic before.

you're free to go over to the OpieRadio or OpieandJim subreddit. Those places are regular wild shows!

Say hack again, free-thinker.

Bob Kelly to Opie: "Did you see Avengers?" Chip: "Fawk Yeah, I was in it!"
What an ass

WAss That cock suckahh?

Hahaha. Well said.