"This show is so much better without Opie. It's like I can breathe! It is the first time I've been in studio so relaxed and relieved. Its like there is more oxygen in the room."

72  2015-02-23 by llchpchprsn


He did the show one more time after that and hasn't been since. In the early days of the show, he was a regular who did a day or 2 in jail over the Voyeur Bus shit.

"Man, we did right by Lewis Black then he stabbed us in the back! This industry is full of phonies, man!"

"What do you mean us? He only made fun of..."


This isn't accurate tho. Lewis had been on the show a bunch of times. He was on maybe a year ago and also remember him being on sometime in 2012.

Reading O&A fan fiction is fun.

It's better than the real thing at this point. Can't wait for our 50 Shades of Grey.


Salient point

Yea whaddya got contact lenses or sumthin?

I will certainly consider what you have said here.

Furtha moar juicy ones at dat

Fifty Shades of Gregg

More like 50 Shells of Gregg!


I agree. And a dvv dvv to you

It's "green with envy" chip, you moron.

MORON tss what are u a LESSOFF
clap clap

oh literal fella

I'm positive he's been on the show since. I think he was in early last year.

Ant being a real trooper and saying "he's gonna kick your ass," which is probably the most generous thing ever said about Opie. What he probably meant was "quietly seethe for years."

does anyone have the link to the full show?

Greggie must have been super pissed at Lewis after this, has he been back after he made this comment?

Could someone explain what he meant though? I'm still not sure I understand what he was pointing out. That Opie is mean spirited? That you have to be careful not to offend him?

He was just fucking around.

Oh..probably. I really hoped there was more to it.

I can't find it right now, but they really fucked with Lewis Black one time when he was on. I don't know if it was before of after this. I'm surprised he isn't a bigger friend of the show, considering him going to jail doing a bit for them.

please tell me what day this is, anybody. I love finding full shows where Opie is sick so I can get a taste of the Anthony and Jimmy show.

This has been posted a million times before, but it doesn't matter because it's as relevant as ever.

it was literally posted last week, but whatever.

I was a navy seal.

BAck in THOse DAYs THEY were CALLed FROG men.


Fuckin riff raff haircut