Days after the Larry King interview, Opie says "Got a surprise guest :)" and it isn't Anthony.. What a cunt.

38  2015-02-23 by [deleted]

If that's not a middle finger to O&A fans then I don't know what is.


Also weird that the Piscopo thing was basically Ants bit. It's like hinting that Anthony might come on, and then booking Beavis Cumia instead.

Ant was the one who brought it to the table in the first place, now Gynopie does this horseshit without him. The magic is gone.

I remember that day specifically. They were just talking about nonsense and ant talked about how he was flipping channels and couslnt fall asleep and watched , stunned, at joes show. He talked about it and trashed it, then eventually got clips and made fun. Was 100% him

I think it's more like when I was in high school in the mid 90's, "Gallagher" was performing in an auditorium. The place sold out, and when the curtain opened, it was Ron Gallagher. Gallagher's Brother! Swear To Christ!

Maybe Ant should fire back by having the entire Philly crew on the podcast.

ME: It's not a middle finger.. It's the bit, you dope! If you don't understand that by now then I dunno what to tell ya!

I don't know, in the end I don't think the handicapped should be sold into sex slavery.

I was going to explain this for you, but I don't think you're worth it.

ME: Thanks hater fighter. DM your address for a dropping hammers onesie

YOU: are a fucking retard

You can't be this vapid, can you?

you need some more empties, brotha-man.

Bravo on the edit!

How does he not realize not one person would be happy unless it was Anthony?

Because he's aloof and completely not self-aware.

He'll now pretend that it was all a calculated way to troll the fans. When he doesn't grasp that anyone that would be pissed that it wasn't Ant has already stopped listening anyway.

I still listen and I was pissed it wasn't Ant. I listen out of habit more than anything, always listened to O&A downloaded, home from work and at the gym. So I still listen to O&J during those times and I'm just basically. Torturing myself because it sucks. Still love Jimmy tho and Sam has gotten much better so it's sometimes tolerable. Difference is I rarely finish a show now when I always used to finish O&A.


That's the bit

Does anyone Not see that Opie advertising a surprise guest was nothing more than an underhanded act of a fraud who was desperate to steal away some TACS listeners?

Oh shit, did TACS move to 7-10 am? I must have been watching replays.

What the fuck does 7a-10a have to do with Anything? He could have very easily thought that Abt fans that don't listen to O&J might listen to see if Ant was on and somehow like what they heard and continues listening. I think that thought never crossed your mind because you were in to much of a hurry to sound like an asshole.

Uh because if the shows aren't on at the same time then how would he be stealing listeners? I don't limit myself to one radio show a day.

not only did I Not mention your name I wasn't even thinking about you! Maybe why thoughts came out wrong, but I was speaking talking about the Demo of TACS Fans that don't listen to O&J like me for example. I'm a TACS subscriber but I don't care for Opie so I'm sure as hell not going to pay to hear him. But if I thought he might be a surprise guest on O&J then I'm going to listen.

It's no different than Showtime offering a Free View Weekend and play the best of the best movies trying to make you think that's the type of movies they always play, hoping that people will like that little taste of Showtime so they buy the package. And as soon as they buy it, it goes back to the original shitty line up of shit movies nobody wants to see!

And YES! We are currently in the middle of a Showtime Free View and they are playing great movies, but I know they're just doing that to get customers, because I now have the EPIX Premium Channels Package that I purchased after watching a Free View and Now the line suck! Wait a minute, what the fuck were we talking about in the first place? I forget. Oh Well, it must of been something about Pay Channels.

Are you kidding me? Piscopo was the surprise guest?!?! Opie is such an out of touch asshole

Shark move. Loved it, kept me at the edge of my seat!

I think you're reading too much into it. You ASSUMED it was Ant... that's where you went wrong. Keep those hopes pushed down where they belong.

Also, to "Assume" makes an ASS out of UME! Get it? Get it? See what I did there?

I remember a show when Opie was bashing E-rock for hypeing a surprise guest and it ended up being underwhelming. They were telling Erock that no matter who it is, it's going to be a disappointment.

I just wish he knew about Reddit so he could read our hate he's noticed all these hater websites but not this one so strange.

He has, he knows.

He keeps saying sites as in plural. There are only 2 notable online forums that discuss the show.

This coming from the pudding chest that has spent hours of radio chiding E-Rock for sending vauge, mysterious texts.

I'm literally feeling real hatred for him right now.

Are the morons that follow him on twitter applauding this and praising him for it?

pretty sure only 30K or so speak English, know what OpieRadio is, and have a human maintaining the account.

Are the morons that follow him on twitter applauding this and praising him for it?

Is that a rhetorical question?

Now he tweeted in response to someone "if @AnthonyCumia was the surprise guest I would not announce it...that would be stupid. Unannounced would b much cooler!"

Yeah, good idea Opie! Don't announce Ant in your show. It would be slot cooler if Ant was on your show for the enjoyment of your 12 Listeners! What a retarded faggot!

Such a dumbass. Actually tweeting cryptically the way he did probably would he a smart thing to do. But Ant would have to be the actual guest.

Anthony Cumia, East Side Dave MacDonald, and Rev Bob Levy are all banned from the SiriusXM building. Why would anybody EVER expect them to be a guest, anywhere? SXM pulled a podcast that was going to play on the Comedy Central channel because Anthony's voice was on it.

They probably pulled it because they might have to pay Anthony for using his voice.

Those 3 guys might be banned from the Sirius Building but people might think Anthony might be a guest on Opie's show because Opies lies and tells other guests that Anthony is "Absolutely allowed as a guest on the show."

Does anyone atill listen just for a Jim Norton fix? He was the whole reason I started listening to Opie and Anthony.

Every few days i'll try an episode but I can't get past half an hour without getting bored at their mundane discussion, there is no enthusiasm without Anthony there.. I just listen to The Jim Norton Show.

The only thing I can't get over with Jim's show is the guys who call asking for marriage advice or serious life questions. I listen to him to laugh, not to learn a lot.

Yup. If he's not in and the fill in isn't Colin Quinn or a combination of Colin, Bobby, Vos then I'm not listening.

really wasn't expecting ant in the least bit, but the fact that it was Piscapo made the tweet that much worse

I was hoping to hear about Tony from Long Island being a guest with his nephew Daniel.

Oh god, what if Ant and Aurora Kurlan hooked up?

Was it Snowy From Michigan as someone on here very cleverly suggested? Or was it more like "This is Florentine & Dan Soders One Millionth time on the show since Ant got fired. Surprise!!

Opie is a troll. I've been telling you cry babies that way too long.

Why did you assume it HAD to be Ant? He was talking about Piscopo not being allowed by his station to go on/call the show more recently than the Larry King ass-raping.

EDIT: Not forgetting Ant said yesterday it wasn't him

Well who would you have guessed when cheeky Opie says "Surprise guest tomorrow ;)"?

The 'cheeky' wink would have made me guess Dan Soder, so Joe Piscopo was a surprise.

Dan Soder coming in would not surprise anyone.

Exactly. Hence the 'cheeky wink'.

Fuck me, there really is a bunch of dumb cunts on this subreddit nowadays. Time to unsub.

dont unsub pls

Well who would you have guessed when cheeky Opie says "Surprise guest tomorrow ;)"?