Bill Burr destroying Bonnie on her own podcast : recap

2  2015-02-23 by OnAalldayyay


Is there a certain times tamp or just throughout he bashes her?

Bonnie was being an unfunny cunt all the way through it. Bill puts her in her place a few times. Shit really heats up at the 29 minute mark.

Lol this is Bill at his best.funny stuff.people say Burr's changed but I'm convinced they are white knighting Ant.

Nah. I was a huge Burr fan, listened to his podcast weekly. Then his awful wife (who I liked in small doses) kept constantly ruining the show, generally being a whining cunt, and I noticed Burr's demeanor change to some pathetic shell of what he was when he decimated Philly.

I don't hate him like people tend to do around here, or even blame him for Ant's exile from the Patrice benefit, but I'm not a fan of his anymore.

He's neutered, and his ear-grating emasculating wife is to blame as much as Hollywood I think. I'm glad he's happy, he seems happy, but his humor died.

I'll agree that Nia has no place on that podcast.Strange choice of guest.

What the fuck are you talking about? Within the past couple of months alone, I've seen him defend the racist basketball team owner, make fun of domestic violence, make fun of cancer charities, told Nia to shut up and make him a sandwich, and all sorts of other stuff. It's only the people on this sub who think he's been neutered by LA and Nia. And it's mostly driven by the Ant white knights.

Kinda the point, no? You take up all these weird 'edgy' stances, and even defend a billionaire basketball owner who himself was in racial hot water but not someone who you worked with for a pretty long time? The fact that he doesn't like Anthony is even more reason to say something, but that's neither here nor there.

I'll say this, I followed a similar path to "Burr hate" in that I greatly enjoyed his podcast until the GF came along. Didn't know a thing about her, but there's no upper limit to the things I'd rather listen to than a dude hanging out with his girlfriend and passing it off as entertainment.

Firstly who would he defend anthony from? You want him to just go on Twitter and say something supportive into the ether? Why do you need every single person to do that? It wasn't gonna save Ants job. It would do nothing but appease ants apparently over sensitive fans. You guys sound like ant got a haircut and Bill didn't mention it.

Also, who the fuck says he doesn't like ant?! Seriously, you guys are gossipy women about this stuff. Bill has tried calling Ant and Ant is too scared to call him back.

I think you guys all read way too deep into something you barely understand.

He defends joey roses

No he doesn't. He said "He's having a tough time online" . That's it. He didn't defend him at all.


But why should he? He's not involved at all in this, and the thing people seem to want to forget is that ants twitter rant was actually pretty bad. Bill had no responsibility to come forward so there's no reason for people to be upset about it. Did every other comedian who has ever done the show come forward? Go Bitch about all of them too.


Bonnie following up her (many) bombs with "ummm" is infuriating

This is what made me stop liking Bill burr.. He comes off as a total dick.

its weird how much LA has changed BB

He's always come off that way. He's bound to hit a nerve with everyone. I've never been a huge fan. He has made me laugh but not as much as others. On or off the stage

No he doesn't. He said "He's having a tough time online" . That's it. He didn't defend him at all.