Observational rant: OandJ: Amy Schumer. Patronizing and untruthful. I miss Patrice.

0  2015-02-22 by blackhax

I've been listening to alot of Patrice'Oneal features on O and A and I really miss that guy and appreciate the laughs their combined chemistry produced.

Honestly, if you listen to the laughs those three or four (including Jim sometimes) you really don't hear those type of laughs on the show anymore... anyway onto the point

So, there are a few shows where Patrice was featured where Amy Schumer and her looks come up where they toss her around a bit.

One bit sticks out where Ant was going on about how he didn't really like black chicks, then he bad mouths Halley Berry, Patrice isn't having it, not going as far as to call her ugly but definitely not letting her get some type of super hot status on the show.

And this sort of thing came up a few times on the show: like once when Jimmy did a panel with Amy on a news show (it was about the president handling the oil spill) and they try to talk up her looks and again, Patrice isn't having it etc

Now, so I listened to the show recently where a critic brings up the unattractiveness of Amy in her new film and Jim and Opie go in on him etc pretending that this chick isn't exactly what the critic said about her.

So I watched the trailer to 'Trainwreck' and I couldn't fucking believe how fucking homely this chick looks in the face, shes got a potato face or something, with red chipmunk cheeks, the bitch looks awful aesthetically and I just felt so betrayed by Opie and Jim for talking up this chicks looks.

She's not hot and I know shes a friend, shes a decent comic, but shes not some type of sex symbol and honestly, she'd never win a casting call for the female lead on her looks for her own film if she wasn't the one starring in it.

I don't mind them knocking down the guy who wrote the article but fuck man, have you seen Amy in the trailer? The bitch looks horrible and I really just wish Patrice was around to call these motherfuckers out for their bullshit.


lol @ the white knights downvoting every negative comment about Amy. You disgust me.

Biggest butterface in comedy.

She has a good body, but is 'kinda funny lookin'. Still would tho!

I don't think she's fat or anything, but she's definitely not very attractive to me, personally.

There are two parts to this, I think. Ant can't bring himself to admit that a black woman is hot being one part. The other is that she tries to fit herself in as "one of the guys" which makes mentally damaged and insecure people like Opie and Jim feel like they could've had a shot at fucking her Cabbage Patch face. Of course, Ant will just go along with it because he's not going to start trashing Jimmy's friend. Plus she's about 15 years too old for him anyway.

She has REALLY pretty hair though.

Patrice had a great analogy about breaking down women in a scale of 1 to 30. 1-10 being ugly women, 11-20 being all right looking women, and 21-30 being hot women. Amy to me comes across as a 19 a really hot average looking girl.

He said that if there was a night club called club fine ass fine bitch where only women rated 21 and higher could go. Any women could try to enter but if you are below a 21 you get hit over the head with a baseball bat. If Amy tried to enter I think its a good possibility they hit her over the head with the baseball bat, and if they let her in she would be one of the least attractive women there.

Ant would salivate over Amy Schumer but all these hot black women Patrice would bring up would get shit on. As much as I love Ant I never liked his taste in women (Never been a big fan of super skinny un-athletic white girls esp if they are trailer trash types).

On that scale, I give her a 10

her stupid undersized chipmunk face and fat head need to get the fuck out of the limelight.

Ronnie B went off on how pretty Amy is...I was like slow down Benny, slow down

Ronnie can start collecting Social Security checks by the end of the decade. Anyone under 50 is a smokeshow to him

I never liked that fat bitch since the Charlie Sheen roast - at first I thought she was a fake cunt riding comedian dick to get famous and then decided to pick on Patrice, then I realized she actually knew Patrice from o&a before then, and still treated him like the retarded new kid in the room - when it's her.

I love when Patrice says "i was sittin next to this bitch the whole time, i had no idea.."

That's why I thought they'd never met and she was just trying to launch herself off an established comic, and then it's even worse to know they knew each other from O&A at the very least. It's not about being mean, it just didn't seem like something you'd say to someone else you respected or cared for.

For example, Colin at the Artie roast tore him in half but it was genuinely about Artie not ending up like Chris Farley - that's being mean to a friend with respect.

Amy was actually on one of the Black Phillip Shows and had been on O and A when Patrice was there. If she was big timing Patrice that's really sad.

It was shameful at that Sheen roast how she was so hacky and still trying to springboard off Patrice.