Opie tweeted to anthony again, here we go people! Best friends chirping!

0  2015-02-22 by benjamin72


That tweet just changed my opinion on something. I always hated when opie would respond to someone saying "You sonnuvuh bitch" and always thought it was his mental crutch to stall. But he uses it on Twitter apprantly when he has all the time in the world to think. And he says it to ant, who we like. Is he fucking with us??? Is he trolling??

I imagine "SOB" is more efficient that "son of a bitch" when you have 140 characters to work with

He's enraging.....

I'm befuddled by the people that still think that Greggshells creates anything worth reading or replying to. Who are these dunderheads?

Hi, Opie!

Hi Opie!

Heil Anthony!

Dat chemistry.

Four replies and 323,000 followers. Something doesn't add up here.

"I had that idea too"

Kristy Forbes posts on every Opie tweet. Who is this broad and why are there no photos of her flicking her bean or her hand being shoved knuckle deep into her asshole?