Why doesn't Opie go the Dick Clark route? Develop talent and stay in the background.

0  2015-02-21 by SkippinTurtles

He's a solid comedy scout. Let funny people excel and shut up.


Even though it was the "Opie and Anthony" show it was obvious the spirit of the show came from Anthony and Jim. I think Opie feels like he has something to prove, such as that he can carry the show as well as Anthony did. Unfortunate he's shit, innit?

Jim wasn't hired until 2002, so how could it have come from him?

Jimmy was brought onto the show in 2000 I know circa 2001 he became a regular on the show. O and A had established a high degree of popularity pre-Jimmy but Jimmy certainly played a part in their success.

Jim had to do with their satellite success, but Opie was part of it.

Or better yet, have a stroke!

Appy dew year!


Because he's an egotistical douche. What kind of utter fool thinks that without any training or experience he should be selling shitty instagram photos to people?

Because Tits needs to be in the spotlight. If he is behind the scenes he cant be all "me me me"

Opie has been on a fairly popular radio show since 1999 (99 is probably the year their WNEW show started to gain steam) and on radio for however long he claims.

Opie probably enjoys being on the radio or his ego needs to be on the radio. If XM was actually interested in developing talent they could use Opie and Jimmy as a point to spin talent off from. Overall Opie sucks as a personality and stopped producing the show, I see no value in what he does.

I don't even think he did much of any scouting. All the comedians were Jimmy's friends