So it was been alleged that Joe Derosa raped and murdered a women back in 1999.

10  2015-02-21 by GameVault

If this is true was she a minority? In my opinion from listening or reading his material it seems to me that he harbors a lot of hatred for people of Jewish decent as well as those in the homosexual community. Idk.


"By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord's work.” - Joe "Der Fueher" Derosa, Reichstag, 1936

Oh come on. The guys only 37.

Oh, literal GameVault...

He looks 47 nojoke

If opie or derosa are photographed without a shirt is it considered nudity?

I heard the alleged attack took place on January 23 1999

And Joe strikes back at the jews in the most devastating way he knows. By banging jewish comedians with his filthy uncircumcised tiny arab dick.

Nothing would surprise me about this guy. Clearly, he has no respect for women, minorities, homosexuals or animals. I'm just waiting to find out what he really thinks about the blacks...

Where did all the Derosa Picture quotes go? Mods,comment? THese are all real quotes btw

Is it still possible to create Google bombs similar to "Craig James killed five hookers"? I think "Joe Derosa killed six hookers" would be a nice start.

A Google bomb... Started by the handful of people here... That's cute.

I heard the alleged attack took place on January 23 1999

It doesn't take much if there's little information surrounding such an insignificant blob as that noulderless cunt.

allegedly OP sucks peckahs

Chippah Dee!


bump for justice of the victim.