I've listened to the show for 16 years, and opie's worst habit is

9  2015-02-20 by moegolden

....Using cursing as a crutch.

I can deal with every other idiosyncrasy that these guys have, but he's too chip chipperson-like when it comes to overusing "Fuck".

The ironic thing is that I specifically remember the very first day on xm when he explicitly stated that he would not be cursing for the sake of cursing.

At least Norton generally uses curse words when they fit the emotion of what he's talking about. Opie peppers them in when there's no reason to use them, as an overcompensation of the fact that he needs to have a stance on a particular topic.

I don't come at this from any angle other than that of a longtime listener who can look at things objectively.


I was hoping you were going to say breathing

To be fair, Bennington uses the word "fucking" like it's a comma.

RB: And then there's fez, fuuuuckin', being a standalone fruit.

He has a good show though

Never compare those two people again, Never.

I remember when Patrice gave Opie a pretty clever one-liner and Opie just said, "You Fat Fuck" then laughed like he just pulled some mental gymnastics.

Shit is infuriating.

"At least Norton generally uses curse words when they fit the emotion of what he's talking about"

Like "dumb motherfucker"?

When Norton says "dumb motherfucker", it's clear that is his gut opinion about who he is saying that about.

Opie has said "holy fuck" when talking about mundane things like his breakfast or the carpeting in the elevator.

I know.

It's just annoying when Jimmy says that.

I Never understood why Opie always was the one to read a story out loud! The very worst was the Jerry Sandusky Transcripts! It was so fucking bad, Norton had to bail him out because he didn't understand how to read the punctuation. He was reading everything with Fragments & Run Ons!

i just Pray that Opie had trouble reading the special Pre-Nup that she took the liberty of drawing up herself!

The absolute worst part of him reading is him stumbling and muttering through a sentence, then saying something to the effect of, "What? That doesn't make any sense"... Therefore deciding it is the author of the article has made a mistake. No, you fucking short bus shit-dick, YOU ARE FUCKING ILLITERATE.

The man thinks commas are decorative flourishes.

"Worldstar's got a nigga's; ribs, hurtin today."


Man, I always thought I was the only one who noticed this.

I got big time douche chills a couple years ago when he started using "hell fucking yeah" in a forced manner.

How bout when a guest says something that could at best be described as mildly amusing and Opie snickers faggishly and says "fuckin Tom Papa... KILLING it for us today."

But when Jimmy is actually being hilarious Opie either ignores it, takes it literally, or steps on it.

When he talks about Gawd...not that I care if he believes or not, but the way he says how he doesn't believe seems like a desperate attempt to be edgy.

The fact he has done so well in life proves there is no god so he might have a point. He knows deep down inside.



Waasss that?

"you stupid fuck" is always used instead of a clever insult

I've listened since 99, and since then the thing that's really bothered me about Opie is his inability to read from a newspaper article. It's like his brain is 15 words ahead of his mouth and he gets all mush mouthed.

All the other stuff on here beating on him is kinda just for fun but this has always annoyed me.

Fawk yeah, cock suckah!!!

ME: FUH-HUUUUUUUCK! You just don't get it. (Squealy voice): YOU JUST DON'T GET IT! (Higher squealy voice): HUN-BELEEEEVABLE!!!

Anyone remember that time Joe DeRosa raped and murdered a Jewish woman on January 23, 1999?

There were no survivors.

Ya kiddin'? Wha happened?

Ya kiddin'? Wha happened?

The man thinks commas are decorative flourishes.