Colin does "The Office"

20  2015-02-19 by [deleted]


finally someone has brought together Seinfeld and Keith Robinson on a project

Damn, this is far funnier than I expected

Completely surpassed my expectations too. Sort of perplexing that it's on a D-list YouTube channel instead of Adult Swim. I guess Colin should have been breakfasting with Tim and Eric all those years instead of Seinfeld.

Pretty funny, but you're dead on it's David Brent in The Office. Keith was surprisingly good too, never thought I'd type those words

Oh my god, I loved this. 10 mins is like perfect running time too. Can't wait for more of these.

Better than both Jimmys and DeRosas internet shows.

Wow, this is the best web series I've ever watched. Col is great, the concept is funny and interesting. None of that "what are we waiting for?" DeRosa horseshit that never even made me chuckle.

It was funny but I can't see this being a successful "series" rather than just a one-off. Who knows, though I'm interested in seeing where it goes.


This reminded me of LOOKWELL

The perfect role for Colin. Great show