If Opie and Jim destroyed Kindler in July things would not be as fucked as they are now.

29  2015-02-19 by c4mac

When they broadcast from the Montreal Just For Laughs Festival exactly 3 weeks after Ant was fired, Andy Kindler trashed Ant in his annual state of the industry address. If Jim absolutely (or even remotely) trashed Kindler on their following broadcast I think a lot of the venom that has developed with us fans would not have found itself directed at the O&J show. Instead we got a lukewarm "I disapprove of what he said" response and some actual defense of him as "a comedian, not a hack". Looking back I can say for myself that was fucking enraging, because it came off like Jim just didn't want to badmouth another "comedian" even though the guy just trashed his cohost of over a decade in front of a full house of comedians. Andy Kindler might be somebody in the comedian community but he means absolutely fuck all to O&A fans and O&J should have buried him on air. That is all, it's been bugging the shit out of me for a while and now I feel better. As you were.


Andy Kindler has nothing to do w/ my true disdain for what the show has become or why I now truly dislike certain people involved. He's a nobody and means fuck all in the grand scheme of things. And I completely disagree w/ you saying that if Jim had said something at the time that the majority of people(if even a small percentage) would feel differently than they do now. It wouldn't have changed anything.

Maybe it wouldn't have made that big of a difference to that many people, but it set the tone for me and I know I'm not the only one.

ME: Ant wanted to do his own thing and Andy Kindler is a great comic who I think is hilarious. Can't wait to have him on my show after the next condiment challenge.

I think you've eloquently said what we're all feeling.

They've never really trashed Derosa either, and that bothered me more than the Kindler thing. Kindler is just some west coast douche that no one has ever heard of, while Derosa was supposedly a "friend of the show". If they said "fuck you" to Joe and said he was banned from the show it would have shown some loyalty to Anthony. But, much like Anthony, Opie and Jim are afraid of Bill Burr and they know Burr and Derosa are friends. Fuck loyalty when there are coat tails that can be ridden.

When all the Ant vs Derosa shit blew up, Opie sent him a tweet to quit worrying about the haters and shit. Jim called out Joe, but Opie didn't say shit.

You really think Kindler's rant is the source of all this? The rant where he bashes friends of the show year after year? The same rant year after year friends of the show laugh at and support, like Nick DiPaulo who basically said layoff Kindler because he's a funny guy? If the guys went after Kindler year after year for bashing someone very close to the show, it would be a yearly segment.

Kindler talked shit about people that make a name for themselves in comedy. He does that not only year after year but he does that practically everyday. Kindler is the epitome of a hater that has probably bashed every single comedian that's come on that show and the show itself prior to last year's rant.

I put it this way, what would Jim have to say? That Kindler's an asshole? Guess what, most people in comedy agree. That Kindler is not that funny? Guess what, most people in the world would agree. That Kindler is a unfunny fuck that scrapes the bottom of the barrel of comedy in order to survive as people whiz right by him in the industry? Hell, Kindler would tell you that.

Jim knew that if he went after Kindler, there is nothing he could say that almost every comedian out there wouldn't agree with. When you put everything out there and admit all your failure as Kindler does and as Norton does, there's very little to retort with.

We just now found out that Jimmy is a wimp?


You know what. Unlike the venom that's always posted here this is a fair, logical, and thought out point. Now that things are calm they can feel how shitty they were when things were still wishy washy with Ant. It really is a shame considering how tough they always acted when the show was untouched

Are you serious? I haven't thought twice about Andy Kindler and think you guys sound like shrieking children when you rant about how terrible everything is now.

You're not necessarily wrong, but what can I say I hold a grudge.

I had no idea who Kindle was up until this Anthony shit. Now he's giving the opening keynote say Just For Laughs?

He doesn't do the keynote, he does a humorless "State of the Industry" speech where he shits on every successful comic because he is an utter failure.

he's not a failure, he played Ray's gay friend on Everybody Loves Raymond

Fair enough. But isn't that something Colin Quin did last year?


He did the actual keynote address for the festival.

Why don't you fucking cry about it then you pissy eyed faggot.

This sub has invested too much time and emotion into the false premise that Kindler is "an unfunny hack who attacked Ant!!" to admit they were wrong. Every year at Montreal he is invited to do a satirical speech about whatever is going on in comedy, and Ant's firing was what was going on in comedy.

People getting hurt over jokes and taking them personally was always something O&A fans claimed to despise, and bragging about how unfunny you find someone because of their opinions or political stances makes you as bad as that news lady Patrice put in her place about the angry pirate.

But hey, Dipaolo and Vos and Bonnie probably don't have as much experience or knowledge about comedy as a bunch of truckers on the internet who used to listen to a radio show. Maybe all the comedians are wrong.

For a bunch of supposed free speech warriors you don't take it well when people don't have the exact same dumb opinions as yourselves.

It would have alienated some comedians from appearing on O&J and hurt Jim's AND Ant's relationship with them. People wouldn't want to be seen as appearing on either side, like jimmy does now, and just avoided the two. That's why Joe is a dumb douche.

Yet the show has still lost a lot of comedians.

"They shoulda stopped Hitler at Munich, they shoulda NEVER let him get away with that." - Clemenza

They shoulda helped him save Europe.

Joe, what are you doing up so late.

and Jimmy didn't even stick up for Vos when he was being trashed by that other radio guy

When is everyone going to learn. They are not frat brothers, at the end of the day they don't give a fuck about each other, it's always about the cash. Little jimmy, really a no body in the comedy world to anyone outside OA universe is gong to bash a guy who has been in movies and sitcoms and who is a contemporary of jim. Might be a movie role or some other opportunity down the line for the worm, potentially.

Does him hate Anthony like opie and ant hate each other, no of course note. does yimmy care more about his pay check then helping anthony out, yes of course. Who choose to stay with opie with real money and no funny then go to any with the opposition to that.

It's a sad scenario when you play it down but that's the reality. I'm not happy about it wither.

Ps. We all know what a spineless jellyfish jimmy is. Patrice said it best- he takes whatever sharpe of the container you pour him into.

Hack is a word that is more specific than bad. Bad and hack are not the same. You can be bad without being a hack. Dislike the guy all you want, but he's certainly not a hack. And that was Jim's point. Who the fuck else does a 5 minute meta-comedy set about a theoretical tour of half empty comedy clubs on Letterman?

A hack uses the same girls vs. guys premises we've all heard, or talks about his/her race the same way every other member of the race does. It's a person who uses old, shitty, unoriginal premises and jokes to pander to audiences of idiots who may not be aware that anything better exists. Sometimes audiences laugh just because they're reminded of something they already know, and that's mostly how hacks get their laughs when they do get them. Kindler never would do anything of that sort, and has literally made a career in part by pointing out hacky shit that other comics do.

That's a lot of text defending a hack who's entire act is basically Chip, but without the charm or the funny.

Look at me I'm Andy Kindler... I'm going to say something really hack and corny then point out that it's hack and corny... isn't this greaaaat?

Saying that I'm defending him is insane. I'm not saying he's a great comedian. He's just not a hack. He's unfunny and extremely original. Him and David Cross are two of the main people that are credited as having invented alt comedy. No matter how you feel about that kind of comedy, they were all very original when it started.

It's like if you said bananas were purple. They're not purple. Whether or not you like bananas doesn't matter, it's just wrong regardless. It ruins the word hack to call everyone a hack.

No, he is literally a hack. His entire act is the defintion of hackdom. He says the most unfunny hack things imaginable then points out that he just said the most unfunny hack things imaginable. Again, this is literally his entire act. I don't give a care about what he invented or did in the 1800s. This is 2015 and this fat oaf is a hack.

What do you think a hack even is?

I don't think you can be an SJW and a good comedian. They are mutually exclusive on the stage.


aka Kindler... pointing out that what you just said is something hack and corny (his entire act) isn't originality or comedic genius... it's fucking hack and gay and faggot. RAAAAAAAAAAAAMONE

Joe, what are you doing up so late.

Saying that I'm defending him is insane. I'm not saying he's a great comedian. He's just not a hack. He's unfunny and extremely original. Him and David Cross are two of the main people that are credited as having invented alt comedy. No matter how you feel about that kind of comedy, they were all very original when it started.

It's like if you said bananas were purple. They're not purple. Whether or not you like bananas doesn't matter, it's just wrong regardless. It ruins the word hack to call everyone a hack.