CQ on The Today Show

20  2015-02-19 by ChippyKasem


I just love that CQ goes out of his way to insult Norton (twice).

No kidding that was the best part.

Colin is the Magic Johnson of comedy, no doesn't have Aids. He brings out the funny from those around him. Al Roker had me rolling.

He also brings the Long Island out from those around him. Here he is doing Long Island references on a TV show only shown in Connecticut

Colin is so fucking lovable its borderline gay.

He's the world's most huggable angry curmudgeon.


Nothing makes him happier than thrashing Norton.

Al Roker: "Colin you really pulled all the stops here with the celebrity guests, you got Jim Norton, Jerry Seinfeld, Amy Schu-"

Colin Quinn: "Al, if I were you I wouldn't have started that list with 'Jim Norton' "

fucking outstanding

to the o&a peeps, this interview makes perfect sense and we get his sarcasm…to outsiders he just seems like a semi-lucid weirdo who has hate for this guy named jim norton…I love it!


How do people watch shit like Today Show without wanting to hang themselves? I got to two and a half minutes and I had to quit. What the fuck is wrong with the media?

It was actually a pretty good segment. The people on the show let Colin talk and didn't butt in. Al Roker had a few "zingers" and it was all around alright.

10/10, would watch again.

It's for old people.


I'm not exactly a youngster and I can't take it at all. I think the other guy nailed it. It's for women.

It's meant to be left on in the background and in waiting rooms and such. You aren't supposed to actually pay attention.

What guest does Ant have on this month?

why don't you tell us, you're the one who is obsessed with the man?