If no one had ever gone after Joe DeRosa so viciously and personally.....

0  2015-02-18 by LouieBeanz

....would his "career" really be any better off? Seriously. Back when he was still in everyone's good graces, was he really doing that well? To me, he was always just in the Tom Papa/Vic Henley zone.


Doubtful. He wasn't making any kind of waves in the NYC scene which is why he moved out to LA. Still doesn't seem like he is doing terribly well there either. He's way too sensitive and he doesn't have anything that fucked up in his life to make him a good comedian. He's just a guy with no ambition that complains about things thinking that makes it funny. He's a bad writer and he's incapable of just sitting around and being funny. He never fit in on O&A and the only time anyone ever really paid attention to him was when he sincerely stated that he wanted to try tranny cock.

He moved from NYC to LA because he was offered a job writing on the Pete Holmes Show.

Whether DeRosa's 'career' is affected isn't the main point. The main point is to let that cunt knows that he has been found out as a phoney, two faced piece of shit. He kicked a friend while he was down and instead of trying to help Ant through his hard time he tried to capitalise on it and garner points with his new pals, or black friends as it were.

He's much less talented imo

He'd still have O and A plugs

Doesn't matter. He's gotten to. That's all I care about.

Tom Papa is a millionaire. Regardless if you like him or not.

No, he isn't.

I bet he is. Hosting that dumb Marriage Ref show probably netted him close to 400k or so I would imagine. And he is a nationally touring comedian who plays big rooms, sometimes theaters. He also has a radio show on SXM (Come to Papa) or something. He could very well have over 1 million dollars

and he's Seinfeld's opener.

well, according to the innernets, his net worth is 1 million dollars. Take that for what it's worth.

Anyway, there is just no way he's even close to being on the same level as DeRosa.

If he didn't move to LA to try find a career doing TV he would be better off if this wasn't happening. TV execs tend to be skittish about working with someone accused of being a racist.

I bet he is. Hosting that dumb Marriage Ref show probably netted him close to 400k or so I would imagine. And he is a nationally touring comedian who plays big rooms, sometimes theaters. He also has a radio show on SXM (Come to Papa) or something. He could very well have over 1 million dollars