The Derosa witch hunt

54  2015-02-18 by Jackthejew

I find any type of attempt to get anyone fired for their words despicable. I make an exception for Joe because he's from the camp that does that to people and he openly said he doesn't mind that ant was fired. Showing these fuckheads how tremendously awful it is to get piled up on like this and lose money for it is the only way they'll ever stop. If they see how fucked up it is maybe they'll chill.

I mean it probably won't work but were dumb radio show fans what else are we gonna do.

Also fuck Joe he still uses opie and anthony as a credit after he motherfucked his friend he can eat my ass.


Ah yes this reminds me of the 92.5 WBRE vs Nipples Sheboygan radio fight of 1994.

No one is mad at him for expressing his opinion. Even if he was an actual skeptic on the Holocaust, I wouldn't actually want him to lose his livelihood for that.

I want him to lose his fanbase because he betrayed his friend, who gave me hours of free entertainment that I stole of our youtube and who gave him the fanbase he has.

So it's not about his free expression or his stances on anything. He's not obligated to agree with Anthony. It's about sticking it to the guy because he lacks appreciation or awareness. Perhaps we are also projecting a little bit because having friends leave you hanging is something that happens to a lot of people.

But mostly for the lulz.

Plus he's a comedian allegedly. He should know better.

I'm doing it for the lulz more than anything. Joe "Keep kickin em when they're down" Derosa is the douche in school that was happy when the jocks got caught drinking and were banned from playing their sports, but then broke down and had a panic attack when they were accused of cheating. Fuck Joe, I don't want us to stop until he is mopping up after Sandy Kane's dildo fuck shows.

Just to be clear, he is being attacked for expressing a PC opinion.

He isn't funny. That's enough reason to dislike him.

He's also being attacked for being dumb.

Good comedians tend to be good because they say what people are thinking. They articulate something before you've really had the time to mull your own thoughts over, and they express them in a way that makes you laugh out loud and say, "Yes!"

Derosa is a fucking idiot. He has no idea what's going on. He's not funny. He's not on top or out in front of the situation. Just listening to him waffle on that podcast was painful. He doesn't even know how wrong he is. Yet he continues to attempt to maintain his virtue despite the fact that nothing that he says pertains to anything that's going on. Other people have their own problems with him. I have a problem with his lack of honesty and his defiant defense of it, as if he's topped some higher ground that his detractors couldn't dream of reaching. He's a dumb fucking hypocrite.

Sure, but just to be clear, this is entirely because of his spat with Anthony. This has nothing to do with him not being funny at all, ever. If that was the case then this board would have been lighting up about him before he fought with Anthony. But it didn't. Because this is about what he said in relation to Anthony.

Yes. Agreed. And to that point, I would actually be more on his side if he wasn't so hypocritical. I'm looking for reasons to like him. But it seems at every turn, at every possible point of reconciliation with the public, he says something that makes me like him less when I otherwise would have liked him more.

I have no problem with him other than that and that I'd never listen to old O&A eps when it was just him. The funniest thing I've ever heard him say was when he was retelling the story of how Patrice called him a "half-way through a werewolf transformation."

Joe DeRosa turned me into a newt.

Your not a newt.

He got bettah!!

I have no idea what this is in reference to but I laughed at all 3 posts

Monty Python

*I got bettah

And what's heavier than a witch?



Nobody calls you Rebecca; except for your brother.

Fuck Joe. He and every other "YOU SAID SOMETHING BAD" piece of shit don't understand the door swings both ways. They set the precedents for this action and are now shocked when it is used against them. Well fuck you, you short sighted opportunistic piece of dog shit. Rot in the puragtory you contributed to creating with your "My black friends" fucking horse shit.

Fuck Joe Derosa. Fuck him straight to hell


Anyone comparing this to what happened to Anthony is missing a huge difference. The people fucking with Joe now once were fans of his, or were mildly indifferent but knew him from the show. The SJW's who went after Anthony had no fucking idea who he was.

I was a fan of his. I even didn't like Troy after their dust up. But now my rose colored glasses have been removed.


I hate even admitting it, but I did not get him when he was a friend of the show. I just assumed I was missing something when he was on and tried to hang in there. I cant think of anything funny he has ever said.

Derosa is one person, and he deserves it. Why of all people, are opie and anthony reddit asses trying to have a moral conscience? Do you really think a bunch of XXXL t shirted pale white guys are going to have an effect on the overall media witch hunt? Step off the moral high ground, socrates...Derosa is a language policing comedian and he deserves a taste of his own medicine 10x worse than any blogger SJW asshole...Fuck him.

Like a Jew working for the Germans in the ghettos. I've seen Schindler's List, I know how it ends.

Damn dude, spoiler alert..

Joe's only getting what he deserves.

I think this is all just fun and nobody is ever going to take this seriously. He is not going to lose 1 fan cause of some memes the O&A board decided to mock him with. None of this will destroy his career unless it was already on the way down. That makes it funnier, how he's letting it get to him like this.

He can't be fired though since he isn't employed by anyone. All that is happening is his audience is dwindling due to him being an ass.

We can ruin his career and drive him to suicide though. sweet.

He's the jerk of all jerks!

Speaking as someone who finds Ant to be a repulsive, reprehensible (though admittedly hilarious) guy who really should have checked himself years ago....the abuse of Joe "Sheets" Derosa is still really, really, really funny.

It will definitely work. There is No such thing as a "joe Derosa fan" there are o&a fans and there are Bill burr fans. O&a have one of the most rabid fan bases ever. 95% of derosas fan base (not "fans" per say, more like people that know him and thought he was ok by association) he has lost. The dude is done, career=over

I completely agree, fuck Joe. Its bullshit he still uses O&A as a credit. However, going out of your way to fuck with the club that he is performing at is a little obsessive.

While it may not make a huge difference, my brother and I were in LA the weekend of the 5th-8th looking for something to do each night. He was at the Improv one of those nights and we just laughed. Had it been a year ago we would have been there in a second. Fuck that guy!

I apologize for using the word "camp" to describe the cunts that derosa wants to be accepted by I'm a true moron

The thing about standing up for something is that you must do it even when it's not convenient or even when going against it is a means to an end for teaching somebody a lesson. Even if Joe learns he was wrong you can't simultaneously hold some value when you went against it.

Oh yeah you fucking wall-eyed dipshits, Derosa is the key to it all. Crush the boring, obscure nobody and the walls of PC injustice will come tumbling down! PS: tits, cuck, pecka, bam.

Can I get a tl;dr on the Derosa situation?

He's a cunt.


DeRosa is a dick and is funny. His Gathering of the Juggalo's bit is great. His Nopie show with Ant and Patrice trashing Lady GaGa was classic.

This whole DeRosa situation to me is the real life version of the frog and the scorpion. We do what we know.


Every good witch hunt ends with a lynching.

Yeah you're right, he's getting his dues.

You guys will be over this by Monday.


Are you trying to be a Bond villain or something?

It bothers you that DeRosa only "works" three times a week while you make someone else rich, doesn't it?

i like joe derosa, everyone here is white knighting on anthony's behalf. it's sickening

I just think it's a waste of energy directed at something. Joe isn't important to the show at all. You people are mad haha

I love how the principles of the show for years was "if you don't like it, don't listen, so what if you're offended" Joe is apparently offending everyone and people are reacting the same way as SJW's that O&A we're against. Best thing to do is ignore Derosa. Opie has turned into what he was against. This subreddit has turned into what they hated.


I'm just baffled that people would let Joe Derosa actually get to them. It's embarrassing. 70% of the front two pages has been about Joe the last week. If the show did 70% bashing any one person in a week you'd all go crazy. All this shittin' on Joe is giving his name publicity. Best thing to do is just act like he's not important. I what if he said something you disagree with, people disagree on shit. Joe is a dick but he isn't anything special to warrant this kind of outrage. I guess I just miss the old sub of chatting/reminiscing of old bits. I come here now and it's "Today With The Joe Derosa Obsessed"

This part I agree with. Joe is already so easy to dislike just the way he is....all of these new threads with made up shit is embarrassing :o

Ehhhhh. I don't think anyone's killing joe cuz They're actually "offended", it's more like we hate what he stands for, hate his association to Andy kindler, and hate that he's a comic that was pro-cumia firing. Most of all I don't think any of us o&a fans actually ever enjoyed Derosa. So the opportunity to hate him is just fun and convenient. Plus anyone that was pro-hitler and pro-kony is just a horrible person that deserves to be outed

So every comedian should back up Anthony, even if they disagreed with it.

no but just shut the fuck about it. plus derosa sucks so who cares

Obviously you do, you're the one writting shitty dissertations about someone who allegedly sucks. It's also not your call to tell someone to shut up about anything. Like Ant on black crime, No shoulders should be able to bring up whatever he wants.

Nice try, Joe.

Really? So all those pest attacks in jocktober and other pest attacks on rival radio shows...never heard of that?

I've always thought the pest attacks were sad. Unless the other show attacked first.

Fair enough sir fair enough

Then again Derosa sorta attacked Anthony first. I just think the best way to deal with it is to act like Derosa isn't anything special (which he isn't)

Hypocrites, all.

Gay way to talk, you.

Your not a newt.

Nobody calls you Rebecca; except for your brother.


Nice try, Joe.

Ehhhhh. I don't think anyone's killing joe cuz They're actually "offended", it's more like we hate what he stands for, hate his association to Andy kindler, and hate that he's a comic that was pro-cumia firing. Most of all I don't think any of us o&a fans actually ever enjoyed Derosa. So the opportunity to hate him is just fun and convenient. Plus anyone that was pro-hitler and pro-kony is just a horrible person that deserves to be outed

Really? So all those pest attacks in jocktober and other pest attacks on rival radio shows...never heard of that?