Joe DeRosa's Misogynistic Rap Song

12  2015-02-18 by BloodyBunnySuit

I can't believe some of the things Joe DeRosa says about women in this song. He says that women are "all just turds without the smell", among other things. The entire song is rapped in what sounds like an offensive parody of a young urban black man. It's all just so offensive. Why would anyone want to hire this racist misogynist?


holy fuck this is awful


This is worse than Joon Your M'nt.

"You're 'Milk Dud'." God I miss the show.

Wow this is the first time a clip has seriously made me a little depressed. So funny - will never have this again.

It's sounds almost identical holy shit.

This is just really sad now. DeRosa has failed in every effort he has made trying to get famous - writer/director/actor/comedian/rapper - and he's awful at every single one of them.

cringed so hard I lost 5 lbs

This song... Jesus Joe... Where's ISIS when you need them.

that was the most horrific thing I've ever heard

this is some next level douche-chillery.

Haha, I was waiting for someone to post one of his rap songs.

I'll be honest, the first time I had a real big lightbulb "Joe Derosa's a douche" above my head was when he talked about being in a rap group.

Nothing wrong with rap groups, but when someone as dorky and white as Derosa is in a rap group, in the 90s, it's probably about like a fucking Ninja Turtles "Don't Do Drugs" ad in its authenticity.


His black friends are thinking some crazy shit...

Too bad he does not have Jewish friends, otherwise he would have a career, but because he hates the jews he is an open mic'er playing biker bars and American Legions.