By trying to fuck up Joe's gigs & career, you're just validating what happened to Anthony.

7  2015-02-18 by FG_SF

If you really don't like what was done to Ant'ny, the answer to changing things is not to try to do it to someone else.


Or one can argue that it's people finally fighting back against the Gawker/SJW crowd. The lesson-you shouldn't racist witchhunt people cuz then they can easily turn around and do the same to you.

Or as the great Ron Bennington said one time

"You're a waste. And I'm gonna get even with you by getting your wife and daughter and putting them in the same position. And that's the only way you can make people respect you. You gotta sometimes rape and murder their kids. AND THEN I DID, FEZ

And you wanna know the funny part of the story? He doesn't even have a wife or a daughter. I guess I just got some neighbors or something. But I got even."

The DeRosas and Kindlers are what perpetuate this phony SJ movement. We're using their own shitty tools against them

I see no reason why both can't be true, meaning what you said and what the OP said. It's a validation of it as well as people finally fighting back. And it kind of sucks that this is what we're needing to resort to. As funny as all the anti-Joe shit is, complaining this way makes me feel like I need to shower.

that it's people finally fighting back against the Gawker/SJW crowd

How fucking deluded are you cunts? By going after a random comedian who has no ties with that crowd whatsoever? He isn't Louis CK for fuck sake, he isn't a massively famous comedian. None of those people have a clue who the fuck Joe is. Most of Joes fans are Bill Burr fans too, (from uninformed and Bill plugging his gigs) do you think Bils fans are really apart of the "SJW crowd"?

Do you really think that Joes fans are apart of the "SJW crowd"? A comedian who rants about women in his act? Get a fucking grip.

It's not even in the same ballpark. It's not about getting him fired. It's about making him answer to the standards of speech he wants others to answer to, for statements HE made.

I couldn't agree more. The people trying to ruin Joe's career are no different than the SJWs that Gawker stirred up.

it's funny though

Are they any different than O and A and the pests doing jocktober?Not disagreeing with you.Just interested in your take on it.

I know that most people would disagree with me, but I've always hated how Opie has made a career out of shitting on other radio shows and their own guests.

My favorite example of this is Tucker Max. The dude is a lying douche, but he's a lying douche who tells interesting stories. But when he came on the show, they just shit all over him. Even to this day, if you Google "Tucker Max", one of the first hits you'll get is his appearance on O&A.

Multiply that by a hundred times, and you can see why comedians have steered clear of both shows for years. It didn't happen overnight; it happened slooooowly over the last ten years. But nowadays there are only a dozen comedians that will show up on either show.

You had me with the first sentence. Lost me completely with the second. Tucker Max tells interesting stories? He's fucking awful.

Also, which comedians steered clear of O&A? They got everyone in their prime.

actually oqie has been craving for those kind of stories, thats why he wanted troy max

Tucker Max always told obviously bullshit stories, even back on his website years ago I ended up banned after calling out obvious made up shit. That's was the greatest thing Opie ever did.

He ended up nuking the entire forum:

Tucker Max is basically a reminder that being a troll is a viable way to build an audience... just ask Tim Ferris.

What happened to Tim Ferris?

Tucker Max wasn't shit on because O&A are random sociopaths. I liked TMs books before he came on the show, and I didn't get the impression they had anything against him - until his stories didn't hold up to the slightest questioning and fell apart. Listening, I was embarrassed that I'd believed them.

Tucker Max and Opie are cut from the same cloth. I think Opie is exaggerating when he says he was a caddy for the mob, and I think Tucker is exaggerating when he says his friend was in a closet filming him have butt sex.

But I'd rather listen to a guest like Tucker tell his stories, than listen to Opie rehash the same eight stories for ten years. But that's not an option, because Opie shits on all their guests, and now there's only a handful of people (Vos) that are willing to take the abuse.

Opie making a career out of shitting on people and then crying about others doing the same to him always tickled me.


After much contemplation I have to say that these incidents are indeed justified against one Mr. DeRosa.

This is my summation. Although true that meeting fire with fire is not the most practical of solutions, it can be warranted in this particular circumstance due to the following reason:

The SJW shitcrowd has no tolerance for anyone of different beliefs. They believe themselves to be morally superior beings who don't have to waste their time with "ugly" thoughts.

The level-headed response is of course to take the high road, not stoop to their level, and affect change from within. However, this case necessitates stricter measures because there is this underlying notion of nobility in taking the civilized high - ground. Survival of the fittest does not imply in that "fittest" equates to strongest, biggest, or fastest. It is our biological imperative to react appropriately in these situations.

As long as they can turn their back and cover their ears, they will continue to push for this bullshit. The most effective counter-measure thus far has to be showing this crowd that the fire can hurt.

To end the witch hunt, we're not going to reason with our accusers, we have to show them the very serious ramifications of accusing someone in the first place.

The "SJW shitcrowd" isn't going to take that lesson from this. They're just going to see another comedian go down for what they assume are offensive things he said. The French Revolution didn't stop beheading people when revolutionaries started getting beheaded. They just found more people to behead.

Well if Joe is feeling some heat, he's obviously getting that message one way or another.

While it may have been a pyrrhic victory, the Reign of Terror did manage to bring common sense to a front, if only by fear of the guillotine.

Its not clear whether the SJW crowd are the revolutionaries in this metaphor, but if they were, they share a certain set of faux-utopian ideologies. Ideologies that they are so intellectually committed to, that any opposition must be met with swift annihilation.

Some smart fuck named Hanson said in 2009, "The terror was not inherent in the ideology of the revolution, but that circumstances made it necessary."

There will be a whole lot more head rolling to come. All I care about is that the heads roll on both sides of the issue.

They don't care. The hive mind is immune to logic.

I enjoy the mocking him here and to his face (or its Internet equivalent) but wouldn't get involved in actively trying to ruin his career by spreading false information about him. Still, I can't feel too bad about the people doing that because Joe has clearly gone on record as being fine with the type of thing people are doing to him now.

He had a friend go through the SJW ringer and his only problem with that situation was that the friend didn't pay him enough attention while it was happening. He had such a problem with that that he decided to pile on the SJW outrage when his friend was at his most vulnerable. What's happening to Joe now is what's known as the old switcheroo.

Again, I'm not trying to say we should feel badly for Joe. I'm saying that by using the "SJW wringer," you're just validating it.

I agree.I felt bad for Ant loosing his job over things he said.Joe seems to think it was justified so fuck him.

Joe DeRosa is reaping what he has sown.

There's a thick layer of irony when O&A fans call somebody out for being offensive, that irony is multiplied by a billion when the stories are made up.

Get a grip.


This makes me happy. Joe should be fired from all media.

Sounds like a lateral move.


I blame Gawker (among others). Fuck 'em.

too many words for me, but when i squinted and glazed my focus, the wall of text looks kind of like a sideways butt

that a good % of his supporters DO NOT agree with, btw

Seriously? Were you on twitter after his firing and have you seen some of the shit that get's said on this sub?

When black people talked about Anthony on twitter, they were attacked with a barrage of the word of "nigger" and other extremely racist and bigoted shit by a bunch of fat trucker pigs who looked liked they only just discovered how to move on from using AOL.

On this sub or on the TACS subs, I've seen plenty or morons ranting about "crime in the black communtiy". The EXACT same views as Anthony. Bigoted, ignorant shit and it gets upvoted.

There is definetely a percentage that just thinks Anthony is funny but dispises his politics and social views, but it's not a good percentage at all. I'm one of them, if Anthony was just some random guy and he said the shit he does now I would dismiss him as a rambling racist piece of shit. His only redeeming quality is that he's funny.

This sub has been garbage for the last week or two. Trying to ruin a guys career because he said something they don't agree with. The hivemind of this subreddit is lacking chromosomes. A bunch of retards with no self awareness and denial of hypocrisy, despite the fact that this sub likes to call Opie a hypocrite and rail him for it. This sub is no better than Opie at this point.


Going after the clubs is too far in my opinion, I was perfectly content with holding Joe accountable in the 'court of public opinion' for the intolerant things he has said over the years.

This is the new "Phase 4"

If I was a comedian I would avoid the Anthony Cumia show like the plague, and the Oqie Radio show by proxy. This witch hunt won't just hurt joe, it will hurt comedians that are associated with the show.

Well comedy clubs often suck, especially ones owned by Live Nation (which both Cobb's and the Punch are), so, don't spare their feelings or business, just don't contribute to PC outrage as a legitimate method of fucking people up.

I meant in the sense of going after the clubs where DeRosa is doing gigs, because that's what some people are doing from my understanding. I think what most people are doing is a parody of "PC outrage". The memes with quotes he has said in the past and the Joe "something offensive" DeRosa posts are more 'silly' than anything. It was about to go away before Anthony revealed that DeRosa reached out to him to try to make it stop.

but it's funny and no one is really going to look at this as a historic example


Well...that's just like, your opinion, man.

he called all of Ant's fans idiots, so we're even

I actually agree with you OP, but this is much more fun because it's deserved.

I say fuck'em

I don't see the analogy. Who's the Joe-employer equivalent of SiriusXM here?

Tony Hairplugs was in a bad position, and Joe went around spouting off about him. He started it - how is turnabout ironic?

People are trying to get clubs to cancel his shows, get him bad press, etc.


It does feel kind of scummy, but I still think it's different than what happened to Ant. Joe proved himself to be a spineless nothing, this is basically just hastening his departure from the business. When this sort of witch-hunt starts for another comedian I'll start to think it's hypocritical, until then it's just an arabian fraud getting what he deserves.

But you're using witch-hunt tactics, don't you see that?

none of this is part of any free-speech anti-pc crusade and acting like this is some injust moral hypocrisy reveals you to be a faggot that actually thinks justice or morals have ANYTHING to do with being an O&A fan in general, and in this case specifically trolling a lumpy froggyneck comedian who takes himself too seriously. joe is a douche and it's funny to irk him. end of story.

Hey, an eye for an eye, that's what I say.

Didn't he specifically insult the O&A fans? If they weren't his only fans it probably wouldn't be an issue.

Joe Derosa is simply reaping what he sowed. He want in on the bandwagon bullshit. His comments on podcasts condemning Ant contribute to the larger problem of people not being allowed to speak honestly about shit. He had no problem with that when it was someone else and he thought he could exploit his friendship with Ant which obviously became less integral to him now that he's moved to the west coast by turning on him and coming out on the side of the "oppressed". "He was my friend but man, that's too far even for me".

So fuck Joe. No one on this reddit or any O&A listener is a monumentous enough force to change anything in a big way. A few fuckers abstaining from shitting on Joe's life won't mean that next time someone tweets something dumb they won't get assfucked into silence and irrelevance.

This is what Joe wanted. But Joe, like all of these PC "YOU OFFENDED ME" fucking idiots don't realize that the door swings both ways. And that they are creating precedents that can and will be used against them if popular opinion ever turns against them. Joe DeRosa loaded the gun and put it in our hands. So fuck him.


This sub is doing the exact same thing essentially, but for completely different reasons.

The reason sjw and gawker types have been so successful is precisely your attitude. You've created arbitrary rules to fight a war... rules that only you follow and the other side simply laughs at. The only way to win in war is to be more brutal than the other guy... at least that's what I learned from Apocalypse Now.

True and had Joe come out saying that he didn't agree with what Anthony said, but defended his right to say it, maybe just maybe he wouldn't be in the situation he is currently in.

I don't like Joe I'm just saying, you don't put a stop to the Gawker callout bullshit by doing it to other people.

In some people's eyes, Seal Team 6 is a terrorist organization. Not in my eyes tho.

Perfect analogy..well played sir

You don't put a stop to Gawker callout bullshit PERIOD. They don't stop for anything, which leaves their opponents (us) with no other choice but to try and destroy those type of people in any way available. And honestly to destroy them with their own shitbag tactics just makes it all the more enjoyable.

Gawker were dicks for their bias shit they said about Cumia but it was SXM that had the final say and fired him.Gawker and the pests are dicks but they have a right to be.

Joe could have fucked up Ants career with the bullshit he was saying.It's ironic that Joe probably feels victimized for things he said like Anthony and tried to call on Anthony for help. Its hard to sympathise with someone so hateable. Joes like a bullied school girl right now and my same sentiments apply. "turn off your computer Joe!"

If you really don't like what was done to Ant'ny, the answer to changing things is not to try to do it to someone else.

Yes it is.

No, it isn't. All you're going to do is fuck yet another person, and give the method another success story. Gawker and the Internet outrage industry are all about the money. They don't care who gets fucked. They'd sell their own CEOs up the river if it meant more clicks and more dollars.

Yes it is.

Times infinity.

did you just refer to a walking, talking pig with a potato for a head as a person


Joe intentionally antagonized a fan base who were known for stirring up shit. Sure people may be stooping to his level but he knows better. Fuck him.

People are trying to get clubs to cancel his shows, get him bad press, etc.