Joe DeRosa has committed suicide.

0  2015-02-18 by youfuckmymother



I wonder how this sub would react if he really did.

"That's terrible, I'm sorry."

I'd laugh softly and move on with my day.

I'd feel bad. I already kinda do. Hated the shit he pulled with Anthony and I'll trash him every once in awhile for his weird Will Ferrell body or the fact that's he's a guy in his mid 30's who dresses like Ichabod Crane or just his overall girlish sensitivity and I'll detest how overdramatic the term "messing with my livelihood" is but honestly that's what is going on here now. I think this place is hilarious but you're gonna seriously devote time to fucking with the way a guy you don't know makes a loving because he was disloyal and oppurtunistically said something bad about another guy you like but you don't know? I get hating someone for that but Anthony has pretty much won this fight. Why would you devote your free time to fucking with a G-List comedian? Hate DeRosa all you want but this place really is just sad, fickle, and pathetic sometimes

And to think I used to like you

Would it help if I killed myself in his stead?

You haven't let me down as much as Opie, so no. But still... It hurts JMueller..

Fuck Opie

I would honestly feel bad. Maybe I'm a pissy eyed faggot, but that'd be fucked. I actually liked derosa til he trashed ant

Driving him to suicide would be pretty funny

Driving him to suicide would be pretty funny