Do you remember how much Opie threatened the company to move the show to a podcast...?

5  2015-02-18 by Weed_n_Wisdom

Bring it back to Summer of 2014...on every show, it was a constant, daily thing for Opie to complain about management and say how Radio is dying and pocasting is "where it's at". He threatened to take the show to a podcast so fucking much, but then his co-host gets fired and he can't wait to resign and go solo. I really think Opie doesn't like Anthony. Honestly.

Opie hates on management constantly on the Opie & Anthony show

Opie threatens to not resign with SXM

Anthony of the Opie & Anthony show is fired

Opie is happy to resign with SXM

You do the math.


Bitching about the management is old school crutch radio and maybe dunderhead thought it was a negotiating tactic. Thing is, Opie was always the guy with the inside track to management. Management respected Opie for doing it the old way of college education into grinding it out as a Spuds Buckley mope and bagel fetcher and moving up market to market. Ant was always the goofball sidekick to them, even after he'd been the show's star for over 10 years. Jim was a standup pervert sidekick-to-the-sidekick and persona non grata that they wanted to fire constantly.

Somebody said Opie complaining about management was weird because he is management. He's a corporate shithead. At the first opportunity to show his colors without Anthony around, he praised management repeatedly.

Truth be told, Opie should be a program director and he wouldn't even be bad at it. He's just shit as on air talent.
