Joe DeRosa is going to be at the Punch Line Comedy Club in San Francisco Feb 18-21

1  2015-02-18 by delphian1


What a shame. I hope the club doesn't catch wind of Derosa's staunch stance on how all rape and sexual assault victims deserved what "those whores had coming to them." (Actual quote from May 2014.)

I'd rather buy tickets to Iraq was one of the best comments there.

What are Derosa's views on homosexuals. I've heard he's not a fan of the community. I'd hate for that to affect his draw in San Francisco.

Omg comments are gold

Find some gay guys to rape him.

Joe Derosa once raped my friend and called him a nigger. It was weird since my friend was Hispanic.

Fuck, that's funny.

Nikki glasierberg will be there after him. They must tour together?

She is actually a nice Aryan girl from the Midwest. Racist Joe DeRosa would never fornicate with a Jew or negro. He might blame whites for all the ills of the world, but he loves him some white pussy.