Anyone catch Billy Corben on Rogan's podcast?

0  2015-02-17 by [deleted]

I would have posted this on the Rogan sub but it seems you can only submit links there? I dunno.

I went from really being a fan of Corben (only knowing him from the Cocaine Cowboys, owning the DVD etc.) to thinking this guy is a jackass in about an hour.

He gave me anxiety and bored me to death. he was way too high strung (tried to say he never did coke when he was clearly on coke during the interview - either that or he is just a neurotic jew)

All he did basically was talk about SJW shit he is wrapped up in. I was disgusted.

Not one single piece of insight into the production of Cocaine Cowboys, astounding.

Awful guest on a show, stick to making doc's dude you are awesome at that - shitty at talking.


what is this billy corben of the smashin pumbkins or somethin? tsss

smashing pumpkins what are ya tryin to make some pumpkin pie or somethin


Pumpkin pie ? What is this, thanksgiving or sumptin. My mudda told me back when they had the first thanksgivings, Lamar's great great great granfadda was one of the well-paid workers. He use to help all the Dutch wives fix the carpets ..or summtin tss tss

fawwwwwk yeah


He gave me anxiety and bored me to death

Yep. Tried to listen to that one but gave up after 5 minutes for that exact reason.

You did yourself a favor. I hung on for way too long. He must have said white guilt about 15 times. Referring to his own white guilt.

At one point he was like "sometimes I don't think about race but then I say whoa is that my own white privilege not allowing me to think about race, I'm always struggling with my white guilt". God I wanted to vomit.

This little affluent white dudes who stress soooo much about race and white priveldge really strike me as the true racists deep down. It's a different kind of racism from your southern "hang em" racism. It's this paternal, "I'm clearly superior to you so I will defend you and care for you" much like is done with a pet dog.

I go about my life, don't think much about race and treat everyone the same, decently. Pretty simple, the country would be better off if everyone just did that and stopped worrying about fucking everything

I remember him saying that people said Something to him about why should he judge some black thing (I forget what it was) and he questioned himself and started feeling white guilt, but then just said "fuck it"

Thank you Jim Norton circa 2010.

Same here. He was unlistenable.


It got worse. I listened to the whole thing. My brain hurts. Rogan called him out on a couple things but this guy just rambles.

Lol he was definitely high strung but for you to say that means he was on coke is the dumbest thing I ever heard. It wasn't the best interview but he wasn't as bad as you are saying. And what SJW shit are you talking about? I remember him talking about trayvon but I 100% agreed with him and that was the first time I ever heard someone in the public eye basically say my exact take on the situation. In the end the dude makes documentaries, who cares what he's like on a pottacast

Are you yourself stricken with white guilt?

We got ourselves a Cumia-guy over here everyone. NO I am not stricken with white guilt. In fact hearing that term makes me nauseous

A cumia guy. Hahahahahaha Have you looked at my history. I trash that pedo all the time lol

Are you some sort of rogan ball licker dude.

Who cares what's he's like On a podcast? He was a Guest one podcast I listen to. That's why I care. Where do you come up with these questions.

I'm arguing with someone who thought the pyramids were built by slaves, what can I expect.

maynardsabeast is literally the dumbest person on this subreddit and that is saying a lot. I wouldn't dwell on his ramblings too much.

well that's a slippery slope of a comment.

Wtf are you saying lmao. Okay you didn't like billy Corben on rogans podcast. All I said is you sound like a Moron for saying that "he's definitely on coke" and I'm saying who cares what he's like on a podcast, he makes documentaries. You made it sound like you're gonna start disliking him as a filmaker cuz you didn't like him on jre.

As far as slaves building the pyramids. First of all it's unfair to call Someone dumb for thinking this cuz it's been described that way our entire lives, and it does make sense. Once you called me out on it I did remember hearing that they didn't. Anyways, Now correct me if I'm wrong cuz I don't give a shit about this. The belief that they weren't slaves is based on a recent finding of pristine tombs that contained people that worked on the pyramids. So the belief is that slaves wouldn't be buried so honorably. So that's the definitive proof that they weren't built by slaves? And this belief is 100% across the board shared by all experts in that field? First of all, the fact that you heard this one particular thing doesn't make you smart, second of all that doesn't really definitely prove your point. And besides, even if they were paid for their labor, how well do you think they were treated? Lol I'm sure there bosses were great guys and they were granted smoke breaks and overtime

Jesus dude. Look some stuff up before you post.

We know, historical fact, Jews/Hebrews/Semites (all different things at the time) did not inhabit that part of the globe yet. So we know it was not Jewish slaves like it's been told to us. First off.

The definite proof lies in the fact historians have concluded uneducated slaves with no skills could not have done the job. The job would have needed to be done by skilled tradesmen of the time.

And yes they were well paid and treated fine, of course it was brutal work.

Lol you are prob the type to loose their mind when I tell you dropping the atomic bombs on Japan saved more lives than it killed.

okay fair enough. Slaves did not have any part in building the pyramids. If that's the consensus amongst historians then I'm On board. You still understood my original point. You can say something is beautiful and not agree with how it became that way Is all

And why the fuck would I think that? What would make you draw that conclusion? Cuz I don't support us meddling in the Middle East. First of all, yes I agree with you. Japan were relentless savages that would have never quit if we didn't drop those bombs. In fact it took two bombs to get the message across, so you are dead wrong about that assessment of me. Second of all I don't agree with us being In the Middle East cuz nothing good will ever come Out of it. For every 1 person we kill we create 100 new enemies, for every new rebel force we arm, we just flood that area with more weapons to use against each other and us, and then eventually that rebel group becomes something else and ends up hating us anyways. It's a cycle that's only been repeating itself for about 4 decades now. I say get the fuck out, and let them kill each other. If Israel finds itself in an actual war then we can go there with the rest of our allies and put an end to that real fast. I'm an athiest dude, so I feel very little sympathy for Israel considering they're just as devout in their dumb faith as the stinky Muslims are. The only difference is that they are civilized and westernized

I would agree with you on getting the fuck out.

OPEC just can't be left to have that much power with zero involvement from us.

The oil thing is fucking us and drawing us into shit we don't need to be involved in if not for that.

But alas the liberals won't allow any type of drilling in Alaska or whatever. Which of course I don't want to see animals/nature get fucked up as much as the next guy.

It's just complicated as fuck and not black and white

Well fracking seems to be working wonders for us (even though that seems to be awful for the environment too). And yeah if we drill Alaska we are definitely gonna do reprehensible and irreversible damage. And as far as the xl pipeline, I wouldn't be against it, if it wasn't just gonna make a few hundred people get filthy rich, while it desecrates and hurts our land, and is a humongous and risky hazard. All that oil they wanna pump through the pipeline can be transported by other methods. The pipeline is just a way for billionaires to become trillionares. The real answer to this oil shit is alternative energy. And it seems to me that the technology is getting here much faster then we realize. We are seeing more and more alternative cars coming out and everyone knows that once it starts the technology always grows exponentially. We'll always need oil. But if the technology keeps getting better, and then more importantly gets profitable, then we won't need to rely on the Middle East or Alaska anymore

Fair enough. All good points.

I'm going to bed, sir. Good night

Why do you make all

Your sentences like this?

I do it when there is a new idea. They are called paragraphs. A paragraph (from the Greek paragraphos, "to write beside" or "written beside") is a group of sentences with one topic. It is also a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. Though not required by the syntax of any language, paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

It's not a paragraph moron. Look at where the sentence ends and where the break is...

It's formatted fine on my ipad so I don't know.

You sound like a lovely person btw

If you read his response it's not.

You're username implies that you are Opie

I don't know what to tell ya dude.

Nothing is a good start

Cool maaaaaaaan

A cumia guy. Hahahahahaha Have you looked at my history. I trash that pedo all the time lol