Fox News Regular Calls Flamboyant Gays Useless

27  2015-02-16 by [deleted]


I've had just about enough of his intolerance you guys.

The gay guy was useless because Joe's asshole is so loose. I think the term "gaping" works pretty well. Joe only likes to be fucked by black guys while he is saying "fuck me, you damn dirty nigger, give me that big black nigger cock"



He's saying that gay guys are useless in a fight. I can see some clickbait journalist spinning that into a controversy, but Joe "Bring the Pain on Every Gay" DeRosa isn't famous enough.


Hey I just got redirected here from Gawker. Does anyone know if this guy is actually as bigoted as people make him out to be?


What if someone made a video of all these memes with joes standup/ audio as background...posted it to Twitter and reddit etc???

This is rich coming from a guy who is allegedly renowned for his homosexual exploits in S&M dungeons around the country.


Joe DeRosa Ruins Pan's Labyrinth

You guys are no better than gawker, using fake outrage to hurt a comedian's career.

Yeah, Anthony fans tend to be a bunch of "Notice me! Did I do good daddy?" hypocritical faggots

this reddit has hit the event horizon. its over.


I bet DeRosa was the one who got yelled at to shut up

Fox News regular? What made you use THAT description of this guy?

Probably to get the liberal Gawker Nazis to notice and mobilize their Delta-force of fake outrage.


Probably to get the liberal Gawker Nazis to notice and mobilize their Delta-force of fake outrage.