O&A + the gang do a dramatic reenactment of Virginia Tech shooter's awful plays, media gets outraged

8  2015-02-16 by [deleted]


Did the media really get outraged? I googled this to try to find some stories and only one article (from the NY Times) came up and they addressed O&A for 2 paragraphs and then spent the remaining time talking about Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and Neal Boortz. The article was more outraged that Rush and Savage were using the shooting as a way to bitch about immigration policy and they used the fact that O&A had addressed the shooting as an excuse to write a political article bashing conservative talk radio hosts.


I wouldn't say the media was outraged. I just read that article. It's one article in one (liberal) newspaper and the majority of the article isn't even about O&A. Sex For Sam was "media outrage." That was national news and was covered in papers and on 24-hour news networks. This was a minor blip that was mentioned in a couple of brief paragraphs in one article of one paper.

By 'media' he means his four newsgroups and two fanzines.