Arab Comedian Calls Out Jewish Media

141  2015-02-15 by [deleted]


Oy vey, Joe.

I was a big fan of Joe in the podcast and comedy scene, but this is just.... how can I continue to listen and support someone who would say this? If I kept supporting Joe what would my Hebrew friends think?

I hope nobody tweets him this image with the text "What would my Hebrew friends think?", it might affect his self esteem in a negative way.

That's funny, I kinda hope they do...


He used to be a mensch that DeRosa, turned into such a schmuck

Your he-ba-rews?


Do you have a link to him actually saying it? Or even the show? There were 16 and they are all like 2.5 hours long.


"The whole thing just reeks of white guilt" - Joe DeRosa

He then goes on to complain about liberal white guilt and Billy Crystal's "racist" Jazz-man character and then gets called a hypocrite, by Bill Burr, later on for his "love of Hip-hop". I have listened from 1:00:00 to 1:27:00 but haven't heard the quote you have. Maybe I missed it.


Could you put a time stamp on it? It's really easy to do and saves everyone a lot of time.

I misread that last blurb in the picture. I read it as

Comedian Joe DeRosa

A Holocaust denier

Upvoted for SPOTAY

Spotay loves his spotay


Joe DeRosa is a holocaust apologist.

No, it's worse, he is a holocaust denier. He says the films about Auschwitz were shot in a studio in Arizona.

Nah, even worse, he's a holocaust celebrator. You should see the cookies he makes for his parties. So tasteless.

Here we have a man who not only denies the holocaust, but celebrates it; he does not believe it happened, but would love for it to happen.

then why dont you add more salt to the cookies tsk tsk

I hear he leaves them in the oven too long.



Denier. The whole world are holohoax apologists.

I think some of the more sensitive subreddits should see this

It should be posted to /r/Israel /r/Judaism etc

If it front paged on /r/standupshots that would be...good

oh god, /r/standupshots - Go on a stage once, take a picture, and meme yourself for eternity.

You don't find those snappy lines from open micers hilarious?


Haha, I know. I feel the same way.

It might as well be /r/cringepics

Lishen folks ok...

Mencia would refuse to steal that joke it's so awful.

"No that dirty thieving Mexican wouldn't."

-- Joe DeRosa


He looks like Von Kaiser from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out

You don't think Tim is Win?

"The filthy kikes always like to associate proud white people with Nazis who wanted to gas the Jews. Well guess what you filthy heebs? I do want to gas the Jews. I want to gas Jews until there's not a single Jew left breathing. They want us dead. They are attempting to genocide our people off the face of the planet. This is war - no question about it, and we need to treat it like a war. We need to beat, rape, torture and murder Jews on a massive scale, we need to slaughter Jews in the streets! We need to blow up synagogues, we need to take rifles into Jewish preschools and massacre Jewish children, we need to take Jewish newborns and stomp them to death in front of their Jewish parents. Only through brutal violence against the Jews can we restore the Aryan man to his rightful place of domination over the Earth. All white people have a duty to kill Jews, the only alternative is to allow the Jew to continue its genocide of the white race, until eventually, there're no whites left."

-Joe "Gotta Gas Them All" DeRosa

Gotta gas them alllll, Syn-a-gogue!

Rape, wouldn't be the right tactic

Instead of trying to get people outraged over this, the wiser thing to do would be to post this to anti-semitic places and subreddits and try to get them to all cheer him on

Let's build Joe a nice little fan base ...


If you criticize Jewish people you are antisemitic. But if you do it to Christians, Muslims, Democrats Republicans it's ok? Got it.

that's not the point faggot

no one really gives a shit, we're just trying to get this unfunny zilch to cry

Your logic is still fucking retarded

/r/opieandanthony is not a forum for intellectual discourse

Hmmmmm yea you know what I have no retort to that. Well played.

Stop being such a pussy boy.

Joe "Goebbels" Derosa minister of propaganda at it again.


I think we found a new sidebar picture.

Complete disregard for this man's livelihood


Derosa, proving that success if about networking.

Joseph "Joe" Derosa, also known as Joe "The Spook Nuke" Derosa[1], Joe "The Nigger Grave Digger" Derosa[2], and Joe "The Manhattan Mohammadan Murderer" Derosa[3], is a prolific member of the New York and Los Angeles stand-up comedy and white supremacist communities. He is best known for his writing work on The Pete Holmes Show and The Daily Stormer Live and his stand-up/spoken word albums "The Depression Auction," "Return of the Son of Depression Auction" and "Not Just The Men, But The Women And Children Too."

Though never convicted of any crime, the New York Police Department considers Derosa to be connected to the Houston Street Lynchings of 1998-99.[26] Derosa has vehemently denied his involvement in the crimes. "No, I was absolutely not involved in that... tragedy. I find it disgusting that you would accuse me of such a thing merely because of my political and social values. If my testimony is not enough, my business partners Kurt Metzger and Dolf Herrman can vouch for me. I offer my condolences to the families of the victim,"[27] Derosa said in court when questioned about the lynchings by prosecutor William Carpenter. After Derosa was found innocent, Carpenter told reporters afterwards that Derosa had a hint of a smile when he said "tragedy"[28] and that Herrman was hardly a trustworthy individual, having served time in prison for racially charged assaults and vandalism.[29]


Freedom of speech has its limits, Joe. Jesus Christ.

I love how you chose a photo of this monster at his absolute most sand niggery. The only thing I could picture this "man" in the picture doing is burning the American flag and seeking out depleted uranium with his fathers oil baron money.

What the fuck is this fucktard fucking talking about?

Every photo of this mongoloid looks worse than the last.

post this in r/pics, i will upvote, link it to this subreddit as a 3rd party link, so it wont get traced back


That beard...

Derosa, proving that success is about networking.

I'm so confused as to why we're quoting this moron on the O&A sub.

OP if you really want to karma who're, you should cross post this to the conspiracy sub. Anything that shows the Jews in a negative light is karma gold over there.

If you really want people to see it, submit it to /r/worldpolitics

They HATE Jews, everyone will upvote it and it will get noticed

You are joking right?

That would improve this bit

wahhhh the jews aren't picked on wahhh

he looks like one of the 911 pilots



The guy is an unfunny douche but if he said this he really isn't wrong.



In the wise words of Emil from Robocop: "I LIKE IT!"


I have a roid on my anus that has that same expression.

well so much for the jews controling the media these days

Joe De Rosa is a libtard cunt who wants everybody censored. NOT A COMEDIAN

This shit ain't cool, lay off Joe he's fighting the good fight.


اللهم انتقم من اليهود، بارك الله فيك اخي جو

wow what a scumbag

In this picture Joe looks like the guy you'd see drinking coffee at a gas station.

He needs to leave the joos alone. What a cock sucka!

No one in the media cares about this nothing.

marlon brando said this originally


thanks, haven't heard this one before


He's spot on with his comments. Stop whining you cheap jews.

Could you put a time stamp on it? It's really easy to do and saves everyone a lot of time.