Did Brother Joe hang himself or something?

1  2015-02-15 by AChansSemenFilledCnt

Haven't heard a single word about his hit podcast lately at all. I know he had recently increased his listener base by like 100 percent or something (0 to 1 = 100 % increase)

Am I missing any riveting episodes?

Maybe there's another sub devoted to the show that I'm missing?


0 to anything is an infinite percent increase I think.

Fuck, I wanted to say that

Unfortunately, no

He might have, but nobody is going to know.

Maybe there's another sub devoted to the show that I'm missing?

There's a hilarious thread on Wackbag dealing with it.

Here's Ant explaining how the Joe show is going: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FaDVLWFJ50

It's like Joe intentionally bought a camera capable of only 240p.

Here's another clip from 2008 where they talk about how their brothers should not do radio.


I was thinking about this video the other day and specifically about how douchey it was for him to dub over the guitar parts in order to somehow prove a point.

"See guys.. Anth is actually good on guitar.. thus then, I'm a huge bright shining star!!!"


http://m.ustream.tv/channel/brother-joe Check out these episode view count. He's getting the numbers!

LOL.. so now it's "My weekly PARODY of a podcast"

ME: That's the bit!!


It's the same tactic Tommy Wiseau did with "The Room". Everyone was laughing at it so he started saying it was an intentional dark comedy. Unfortunately, Brother Joe isn't getting any laughs, real or ironic

Like when Kevin Smith said Jersey Girl "wasn't for critics" when they said it was shit.

if Kevin is saying that now he is full of shit. I was really into him when "jersey girl" came out & all he would say was how it's his adult film and how he's grown up. Then I saw Jersey Girl & the only people in the theater were 13 year old girls. Also, I think "Jersey Girl" is one of those bad movies that is actually worse than people say it is. Some people give it a "it wasn't that bad!", its worse

Opinions skewed by the presence of Carlin.

Youre missing the retweet Anthony gave him.

I know he had recently increased his listener base by like 100 percent or something (0 to 1 = 100 % increase)

What do you expect him to do when he's on the end of such scathing criticism?

Is 'double zero' more or less of nothing?

And fuk u bro joe


I enjoyed the listen and especially the pat cooper rambling. Joe provided content and held is own

I hope he didn't go that easy on himself.

Hang himself? Quite the contrary. The show has been on every week since that inaugural episode with Pat Cooper and Rotgut (11/16/14) with guests such as Mario Andretti, Vincent "Big Pussy" Pastore, David Duke and more.

Not sure where you're basing those listener numbers by, but you couldn't be more wrong. The website (which hosts all of the episodes once they air live on UStream) has been getting fantastic traffic, with our highest day having nearly 20,000 hits.

Plus, we just picked up our fourth sponsor. Things are going quite well.

It's the same tactic Tommy Wiseau did with "The Room". Everyone was laughing at it so he started saying it was an intentional dark comedy. Unfortunately, Brother Joe isn't getting any laughs, real or ironic