Sam Roberts is the official third mic

0  2015-02-15 by LynsiMargera

Starring Gregg Hughes, Jim Norton, and Sam Roberts


Joe DeRosa has stated numerous times that he is an admirer of Adolf Hitler, saying his only criticism of him is that he was too soft on the Jews.

Joe DeRosa is also a notorious holocaust denier.

He said there weren't even 6 million jews in europe at the time and the reason there seemed to be so few after 1945 is because they all went to israel. WOW

I had no idea DeRosa was such a bold purveyor of truth. If only Joe wasn't such a backstabbing cunt, he could make up with Ant and do The Political Cesspool with him.


Apparently they haven't heard his Friday show with the hole and the 50 cent wannabe.......scorch is radio gold compared to that shit.

Sam shouldn't be on the air. Howard wouldn't have him on the air.

Good for him. He's put in the work and the shows better when he's active. They need someone besides just Jim and Ope.

Yeah but not Sam.

He said there weren't even 6 million jews in europe at the time and the reason there seemed to be so few after 1945 is because they all went to israel. WOW