Example of the passive-aggressiveness between Jim and Opie 2004-05 (before the big fight)

3  2015-02-14 by ckelly54


A reminder of how much Opie used to treat Jim like shit. All about Rich Vos, but throughout the entire thing there's weird friction between Opie and Jim. Opie's being a condescending asshole (and I don't hate him), but around 21 min in you can definitely hear some anger from Jimmy and Ant kind of getting pissed at Opie for it. Ant's apprehension about the horrible excuse for a "joke" shows there was definite awkwardness between the two.

Also notice: at 29:30 Ant straight up says "We never TRY to get fired"


Ugh, the "Did you really say..." interruption. No regard for anyone else. Whatever's in his head just HAS to be said right then because its his thought and everyone needs to hear it immediately. He was such a burden to that show...

its his show, he's not a burden, we don't hear the show without him. tough crowd and then nothing

fuck off, faggot.

his narcissism really is infuriating, I hope he gets paid everything back and more for it

And this was back when we had nothing bad to say about the show. Opie's gotten so bad nowadays that we've got to find past shows of when his awfulness shined a little, but not where it ruined an entire show.

his show today is better than ants show, onafan2014

What exactly are you guys listening to? Nothing described in the op actually happens in this audio clip. I don't hear any tension or condescension, and the part where Jim supposedly gets pissed off is so obviously a joke. I hate Opie but you guys are getting desperate.

EDIT: and the part where Anthony defends Jimmy - that was an ongoing joke at the time about how sensitive and paranoid Jimmy was. Maybe you need the context of listening to this when it actually happened.

Exactly. I listened live at that time and O&A saying they didn't need Jimmy was a running gag at the time. Jimmy would riff off of it and it was funny at times. They said shit like that at the time because there were fans who didn't like Jimmy a permanent member of the show.

The best was when Opie said you should be able to say anything on a message board, and they don't have people banned for criticizing them. Not long after this he started going on tirades about all the haters and how they were actually just Howard Stern fans and the message boards needed to "eat their own" to get rid of the problem. Also Ant admitted recently that he was having all mentions of "Lobster Girl" removed from fan message boards back then. They also apparently dumped all mentions of Lobster Girl or Spazz that got through on the air.

Something about Opie's comments drip with hostility. "You don't have XM radio yet cause you're cheap and you're Jewish." I don't have a problem with what he said it's just the way he said it wasn't the least bit kidding around. Ant and Jim can say that kinda shit because they know how to make it funny. Opie on the other hand is just dumb.

Why do you keep digging up all these uncomfortable moments? Is bitterness the only thing making you get out of bed?

No its just a great clip with a lot of uncomfortable moments. I like all three guys and its interesting seeing their dynamic change through the years

It's not great.

Because it is amusing to see what a fucking asshole Opie has been all along.