The creative downfall of James Norton

36  2015-02-14 by [deleted]

Listening to Bull Burr speak about his life, how enriched it sounds from his world traveling and helicopter piloting it really makes you realize how he has blown past lil yimmy in such a short amount of time. He is starting to get on the next level of wealth (or is already there) picking up flying helicopters as a hobby is def a rich dude thing, and good for him (still sucks him and ant can't get things worked out but it seems like ant is part of the problem also)

Burr talks about being over-taken by the on-the-road-routine:hotels, airports, road food he knew he had to change shit around and he started to go sight seeing, ball parks and what not. he knew he needed to add to his act, to add life experiences.

Little yimmy stays in his hotel room, edging for 6 hours before the show and another 4 after. That's why all of his material is based around weird sexual things - it's all he knows. He lied to himself saying he does not watch other comedians so he is not influenced, he cheated himself out of so much. That's such an absurd POV to have as an artist.

Take a guy like Quentin Tarantino, he watches every movie ever made, ever. and look at his body of work, brilliant: familiar in some ways but he made things his own. I realize I am comparing a Director to a Comedian but they are both content creators.

Jimmy is a fool for never really perusing his characters like Chip. It has said before on here that a Borat style show/feature with Jimmy never breaking the Chip character as he visited local events all over the country would be priceless. Jimmy co writes with Colin Quin, CQ directs.

Or even a chip animation would be amazing.

I could almost here Jimmy's inner voice when he was listening to Burr about his amazing new life.

PS Burr's wife is a cunt.


Joe DeRosa collects old zyklon B cans

Just a few of Joe's many nick-names.

Joe "The Nigger Grave Digger" DeRosa

Joe "Kike On A Spike" DeRosa

Joe "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger" DeRosa

Joe "Going Mental on the Oriental" DeRosa

Joe "Kill All the Kikes, Even the Tykes" DeRosa

Joe "See a Fag, Empty Your Mag" DeRosa


"Ya hear that? (Shakes it) ITS EMPTY."

Me and you. We are the same!

I want YOU to have it!

Falling down upvotes for everyone

"GRAVITY?? What in the fuck is that supposed to mean!"

"I'll fall down."


Things are getting weird here.

Bug spray, typhus

I'd say they're more like zyklon double D cans.

Can we get Joe some fresh new cans?

And then denies there existence.

I've always thought the downfall to Jim is the fact that he delivers his jokes like he's presenting them to his parents/authority figure for approval rather than to an audience

Yea it's very, "ok the show has started! Here's my first joke!"

And the blinking! Hurumph!


I think he does that to try to come across as someone who has something to say that's worthwhile. Kinda like CQ. He's just not good at it.

Self deprication and tranny jokes are a dead end.

Yes, they both result in suicide.

The biggest hinderance to Jimmy's stand up is that he makes everything entirely too topical. None of it has any staying power. His last special was filled with Sandusky jokes nearly a year after all that went down. He dates himself so much with his comedy.

Also, I'm sure it's a good ego boost, but he really shouldn't be filming these specials in big theaters. He always looks so uncomfortable. He should just film one in a tiny comedy club where he won't be so obviously nervous and uncomfortable.

I think topical = no ideas of his own

He's never been a good standup. He's best off the cuff reacting and getting angry which is a different modality of comedy and not everybody does both well.

this is the only thing I can't stand and why where he's put out 3 specials in the last 3 years I dont even bother. If you're putting out specials that quick its going to be mostly topical. I saw him do a bit about the John Travolta masseuse thing, but it was a couple months after it happend and everyone forgot about it.

Fuck him.

He chose to take 1/5th of what a talentless cunt like Opie makes to do Opie's job for him.He's finished when their contract isn't renewed next year.

Is it a one year or two year contract? What they have signed at least with satellite have been 2 year contracts

Well they signed that one last year, and next year will be the end of two.

Well no shit, aren't I the idiot. I misread your comment

Lesson: everyone has regrets, everyone finds different ways to enrich their lives, no one lives their lives perfectly, and we're all cunts in some way or another.

Now if you haven't done so already, hug someone you love, and then go outside.

a stinger of truth

did you type this with your clitoris?

fuck your positivity bullshit.

Yep, came all over the keyboard too.

Looks like there's someone here who needs this lesson most of all.

you sicken me

Happy Valentine's Day! :)

go to hell

Happy Sunday! Last day in the weekend; make the most of the day.

god bless

Good points all around, but the Chip part I disagree with. Chip already did a Borat-style show: his ComicCon vids. Have you watched those all the way through? Jim runs out of things to say within 5 seconds of interacting with anybody. Chip only works when he's playing off of someone who knows he's playing a character. Otherwise it just looks like a middle-aged man straining to push his jaw back and doing an over the top zany character with no material. Chip is a foil to comedians, not to regular people.

Do you guys remember Chips time on TACS? It was funny for exactly ten seconds before Jimmy ran out of things to say. A show based on Chip would be a DISASTER

thats fair enough

Good point, Chip only works when people are in on the joke and pretty much feeding him material. Any random person would just stand there awkwardly as Jim's eyes dart around. Chip is only as good as the comedian he is paired with.

I agree with the comicon content BUT if CQ were to direct in theory he could be there, bringing his new friend chip around. Pairing chip with a great comedian to keep the bit going

i bet he stopped doing it cause there is no money in it

"Boy! I really do stink!"

-Jimmy, every act ever.

But seriously, he reminds me of artie lange. Fantastic on Radio and podcast but I can't stand his stand up.

Artie is a much much better standup than Jim.


I Swear to god artie has had the same stand up routine for 20 years. ITS THE LIQUOR TALKING HURRRR

I have laughed at Artie's standup. Not Jim'.

Chip is a genius.

-Eddie Vedder

Lol so funny when jay did that in eddie's voice

Fuuuck this is funny. It has me crying. God, this is a perfect example of the beauty of when comedians can link up , off the cuff.

God damn, Jim. Bring chippah back

Jimmy jumped the shark IMO when he went so fucking far trying to prove some lame point, that he "absolutely refused to look at the celeb pics that were released by hackers" a few months ago.



Agreed. Also if jimmy doesn't ever watch other comics but spends all his time hanging out at the cellar with other comics, how can both these things be true?

Shinkle 'bout it.

Quantum dice? What are you like Stephen Hawkman wearing a leather jacket or somethin?

Maybe he's in the back jerking off? I dunno. The Cellar's a fucking small club. Plus I'm not sure how strictly Norton adheres to his "I don't watch any other comics" philosophy. I know he went on Twitter to praise Chelsea Peretti's latest special (maybe he was just agreeing to plug it, who knows) awhile back. I think it's just a general rule of his rather than some monastic vow.

Chelsea is his ex girlfriend so it's possible he just plugged it without watching it to do something nice for her.

Yeah, that occurred to me too. I heard it was good but I'm not really into alt comedy so I passed on it.

Agree also girls aren't funny

he also retweet porn stars all the time and call them hilarious

I never thought about that.

Jimmy needs to do an international comedy tour. Radio has stifled his career for too long. And working in such close proximity to Opie without Anthony around is only going to affect him negatively creative wise.

I'm sure there's a country somewhere that would absolutely adore Chip, and Jimmy could live the rest of his life there making "Chip goes to _____" movies.


Wha did ya hit ur peckahh wit a hammer or sumptin tsss tsss

the lowest point in Jim's career was easily that vice show. god it was horrible. i really like Jim too. he just isn't made to be in that kind of position. he has no ability to connect with famous people because he is in awe of them.

That's not true, remember when he was an alcoholic for 2 weeks 30 years ago? Did he get his 30 year chip? What's that? His best bit is him being someone else. Eat a bullet finally and quit talkin about it.

Good post but I think it just comes down to the loss of Anthony as comedic partner/enabler. Jimmy & Ant are still very funny together, no matter what they're doing in their free time. His weird obsessions are what makes his humor unique & authentic.

One of the worst things about the new show is the way Opie shuts down the characters. After an Uncle Paul comment he'll say seriously "What's wrong with you?" Talk about ruining the bit. That kind of shit has to seriously erode his skills after a while. Ant is the opposite, pushing him to the edge, always responding to the characters, "Oh Literal Jim." Like I said, this is an interesting post but put Jim & Ant together on a show and you'll see his humor come back real quick.

I think jimmy is pretty fucking well known for someone who regularly does pedophile tranny and scat material. When put in comparison with burr, it seems he's going downhill but bill burr is someone who rocketed to the top of standup maybe faster than anybody in the last 5 years or so. Yimmys real problem creatively is that his personal life hasn't changed in any way for what seems the duration of his career. New experiences, openness to new ideas and the emotional energy that comes from that is what opens someone up creatively. Jimmy listens to the same 3 awful bands, jerks off to the same cuck and tranny porn for half the day, goes to the cellar to talk to the same people, goes back to his apartment, watches the same movies and fucks the same girls with penises. It's no wonder why he always chooses topical shit to riff of, he has nothing that really connects with him and the person he is because he's a disconnected creep. Standup comedy needs to be personal.

Yep. He doesn't watch any comedy for fear of being influenced. The only music he listens to is what he liked when he was 12. Has he made a movie reference to something made in the 2000s ever?

He lied to himself saying he does not watch other comedians so he is not influenced, he cheated himself out of so much.

It's such a stupid tactic because when you watch other people in your craft - whatever it is - you see what's been done before. That's why he never found his niche. You have to figure out where you fit in relation to other people in the scene. That's why it always seems like he's a first-nighter.

Also he cries that alt crowds, black people & anywhere outside North America "just don't like me"

Look, Jim is about as successful as anyone can hope to be. Let's not lose sight of that before discussing this. But I mostly agree with you. He's tied to this albatross of a radio show right now. He's not being lazy or resting on his laurels, so to say. He's being productive. But it never seems like he's making big moves. Is he trying? Who knows. But I have a feeling he may be more successful if he stopped doing the radio show.

Hey I get that. In the scheme of the world jimmy is above most. I am being harsh and don't mean to loose sight of reality.

Opie is just a cancer

He made his own tv show for the internet for probably no money while doing morning radio and touring around the country all year. Pretty far from lazy.

The show definitely has stunted the development of Jimmy's standup. I'm sure a lot of the comics are reluctant to give him any kind of constructive criticism because they still need access to promote their gigs. Patrice was the only one who would have bashed Norton when he needed to as well as have the courage to do it.

If Jimmy never got picked up by Opie...he would be middling for Todd Barry right now. Lets just call a spade a spade. The show gave him a larger audience, but he has never been a good stand up.

Some have said Adam Carrolla was the funniest guy down at the construction site.

Jimmy was the funniest guy at the cum-glazed peep show.


It's been great watching Bill evolve as a stand-up, as an actor and as a person. He's an excellent role model for other comedians.

You didn't even mention that Jimmy "Stuck in the mud" Norton decided to continue the show with Comedy Cancer instead of his good friend Anthony. He probably thought directly associating with an evil racist would be bad for his career.

I’ve often said Jimmy should do a set as Chip. He is hustling his shit all over the country and the only reason he is a closer is because his name is associated with the show. He fell ass backwards into a good deal and he knows it. The thing that totally gets me is he has said a million times that he is a blinking idiot and seems aware of it but why wouldn’t he get some help/coaching for that? It also surprises me that he wouldn’t watch others and get a feel for why comedian A is successful and comedian B isn’t. He seems very self aware and has so much exposure to this, you’d think he’d work on it a bit more. Personally, I would love to see Jimmy hit it out of the park in his career. Chippah! Fawk Yeah!

I think the same thing happened to Kevin Hart. His material revolves around generalities, nothing specific or niche; just blaze.

Kevin Hart is unwatchable right now, he is the Larry The Cable guy of black comedy. Chapelle is miles ahead. I can't believe they said he was the new Eddie Murphy..pfff

just FYI, I believe Anthony read this post, as he made two statements on TACS 112 that seemed to indicate it:

  • He referred to Jimmy "edging for hours" in his hotel room
  • He mentioned how Bill Burr would explore cities he toured to


Bill Burr is my favorite standup.

His 2014 show on netflix was bad though.

Jim is also terribly insecure about being uneducated. He's very smart, probably one of the smartest comics out there. But he gets defensive and cunty whenever a complicated subject comes up. Whether it's municipal bond reform or middle east ethnic tensions he just gets loud, opinionated and scared that someone will call him out. He memorizes like 3 facts that are barely related to the issue and just bellows them out. He desperately wants to be considered knowledgeable when he already is intelligent.

Jimmy's not very intelligent.

I think he's lightning-fast. Granted, I'm fairly dumb and probably shouldn't judge, but he is remarkably fast on his feet.

I'm strictly speaking about how "quick" he is to think and analyze stuff. He's definitely not educated or very wise, which are other elements of overall "smartness."

But he is very quick. Put him against your average internet warrior who stares at a blinking cursor waiting for their witty repartee and he'd rip them to pieces before they could type out a word.

Ron is pretty fast, but only decent. We could compare him to the real titans of comedy and talk shows over the past fifty years, and Ron wouldn't rank in the top 100, even though he's in a number 1 market. Ron is only good by the shit radio we have to compare him with. Ron may be fast, a fine conversation for a bit, but he's hypocritical, willfully ignorant, and worst of all, it really was a tangent his ability to be funny, but his management style probably is something you could sue for, if the idiots he employed were litigious to any degree. Aside from what we can't see or know, the inner workings, what do we? That instead of giving his cohost a 6 month break, even forcing it on him, he's humiliated and mocked him for about 3 hours a day every day he's been on air for 10 years. Somehow, in Ron's dumb fucking mind, he's tried everything. It's like Flanders' parents, "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!". Has Ron ever stood up for anyone? As in, actually talking to suits for a benefit, or just shouting on air? Man, wouldn't it be great if ESD and Black Earl were still on the show? Too bad Ron, that half-mobile sack of shit, wouldn't go to bat for them. It would be fine if he just thought they were employees, but Ron has a warped sense of loyalty, which to him means, I think, I get to beat you every day, you never get to say a word against me, and if management is angry at you I'll force you to resign on air. Ron could have said, I'm really going to fuck the company over and just not show up if ESD doesn't get double his pay, or Fez has lost his grandmother, father, and come out as gay, maybe we should take a hiatus. Nope. That fat, ex-alchy has no idea that isn't bashing Fez.

Little obsessed with the Bangton he is. If you can't resist that urge to "take Mr. Bennington down a notch" because your fragile, little heart cannot deal with his brilliance, why not open up a thread where someone gives half a fuck instead of stumbling into a whole different topic and start rambling like a full blown idiot.

Whole different topic? Aren't we just knocking on New York millionaires in radio as our lives slip slowly by?


I agree with that Oster faggot below me. Jimmy is quick witted, quick wits can easily be confused with intelligence. Let's not forget, Jimmy is quick to tout ignorant, uninformed opinions as fact...James Norton is not a smart man.

So like the rest of these radio "personalities"

You're talking about Jim as though he hasn't been on a huge show for years and makes a shit ton of money. You can't compare everyone to everyone else. That's what makes these guys unique.

Fair point

Bill Burr has an "enriched" life? You mean the same guy who never shuts the fuck up about spoarts?


Plus, Jimmy is still funny.

I agree, that's why I think he's lying as he acts as though it's a hard rule he follows.


Jim Norton sucks!

And you're a faggot, posting gossipy paragraphs about millionaires on Valentine's day from your apartment alone.

and you are a faggot posting to a faggot posting gossipy paragraphs about millionaires on Valentine's day from your apartment alone.

Now that you both agree that you're faggots, who's going to ask who out first tonight?


Fuuuck this is funny. It has me crying. God, this is a perfect example of the beauty of when comedians can link up , off the cuff.

God damn, Jim. Bring chippah back