Classic O&J.

14  2015-02-14 by snoopkhat

I'm putting together all the classic Tits and the Worm bits from the last 6 months,so far i have the bit where Tits went to see Worm perform recently and he told that awesome story where he saw a dog in a hotel?

the bit where tits went to LA to people watch and he watched an old bag feed the birds,it was awesome.

Any others?

EDIT:3 hours talking about snow storm bit.


The turkey sound that Tits made. That was the funniest shit I've heard on this sub (let alone on O&J) in months.

Link from the thread a month ago that first pointed it out:

This is legit one of the funniest and most bizarre things I've heard in 13+ years of O&A.

Holy shit I didn't even think it was possible for a pair of tits to make that noise either way that was funny as fuck.

LOL that's so weird and hilarious. Out of 20 years in radio his funniest moment is making an awkward turkey noise.

This fucking clip got stuck in my head and I had to get on and listen so I could sleep. I can't get enough, I picture titties just making these turkey sounds alone looking in the mirror naked

Be careful, if tits finds out people found it funny he'll be doing turkey noises for the foreseeable future.

TITS being a hole over that superbowl commercial with the kid. Trampling over paychecks jokes and saying it made him cry.


This is like when VH1 did "I Love The 2000s," in like 2007.

So you are putting together an actual worst of? Might as well include all the flu talk if that is what you are going for.

HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD HOLD ON HOLD ON I got two more suggestions

-TITS being exposed by Dr. Steve for lying about the chicken pox vaccine -Jimmy caught listening to the HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON clip on air

When Opie told the truth

If only Bernhard Goetz had killed Opie those many years ago.

I like it when they have on the 2 hack comics who use their radio had a particularly funny bit about ketchup.....daddy.

Howie Mandel catching Opie lying is instant classic. Listen to the post interview too when Opie admits he doesn't ever know what he is talking about. I think the link is in the comments.

Something with Snowy in Michigan


so you're listening to 6 months' worth of audio, and then creating some sort of content about what you hated the most?!?

you are a moron.

Fucking OBSESSED. Impossible to argue against it. Pathetic.

Obsessed as much as you continuing to post in a subreddit you don't agree with?

How is that personal little mission of yours going? You know....the one where you, and you alone, were going to rescue this sub of all the Opie hate.

Of course you're too stupid to see the irony in that statement.

Why so upset?

Is that what you got from my post? Are you Autistic? That would explain a lot.

No, he's just a run of the mill troll. Literally saying the exact same thing every post, non-stop, just to start shit with people and keep the attention on himself rather than the conversation at hand.

Oh look....its Benjie asking why someone is upset. Wow, who saw that coming?

Benjie, are you a little bit slow? Did your mommy drink a little too much when impregnated with your failure of a fetus?

OK. But, why so upset?

thermite paint?

That's what I'm thinking.

Link from the thread a month ago that first pointed it out:

This is legit one of the funniest and most bizarre things I've heard in 13+ years of O&A.