Bill Burr / Tom Green

0  2015-02-13 by uppity-negro

Sorry if this is a day late, but I can't listen at work (no wifi in the cotton fields, you know).

I listened to the on-demand O&J from yesterday, and wow... what a fucking AWFUL show. Bill Burr talked way too much while he was in studio, yammering away about useless, uninteresting shit. The guys just sat there and let him talk.

Then Tom Green comes in and Opie won't shut the fuck up. I'd recite what he did but it is just the same fucking shit everyone always complains about. If I was Tom Green I wouldn't ever return a call from Opie or Jimmy again.... Opie for being a cunt, and Jimmy for letting it happen.

Stupid fucks.


Joe DeRosa is an anti-semite

I'll spread this news far and wide, I require no further information.

It wasn't bad. It was interesting to hear Burr's adventures in Asia, and hearing him tell Jimmy he really should travel. Comics in other countries loving Patrice, Vos, and the crew was also cool. Jimmy really should start grinding, and traveling the globe. Leave Opie hanging. If Burr wasn't in we would've gotten another round of whoever was in the day before.

I do wish the Tom Green stuff was longer.

I actually thought it was decent. Bill's stories about helicopter lessons were mildly interesting. Certainly better than the recent visits by Snorentein or generic talk about penises.

"or generic talk about DONGERS", FTFY man

if you wanted to hear Bill talk about helicopter lessons all you had to do was listen to MMPC the last few weeks

Well thanks, but I don't have to now, do I?