Line of the week.Some black porn star dances with money thrown around her.Pulls pyjama bottoms down and shows her big black ass.Anthony "Damn,I miss Patrice."

30  2015-02-13 by OnAalldayyay

I lost it


I stand corrected.As she leaves "thank you so much Robin,hoo hoo"


oi m8 ello guvna xD

You gotta give Anthony credit! He did a great job acting like he was enjoying her shaking her fat black ass. Instead of vomiting all over the counter and screaming how fucking gross that is, followed by racial slurs.

This was hilarious.

I cant believe Ant doesn't love a big black ass. He's so racist he's turned gay.

Not all of us are into bestiality.

hereeeeee, commmmmes, lineoftheday, lineoftheday...

It's the extent of your humorlessness that's the real joke. The hackiest shit in the world is a line of the day? You're like the alternate dimension version of the soccer moms that enjoy Todd Pettingill's Jerky Boys ripoff prank calls.

"Dis is, dis is Coony McMonkeyChimp". ahhhh-umbiddabidda..

you mad bro

Yeah, kind of. I always assumed Opie and Anthony fans, for all their flaws, could at least tell the difference between good jokes and shitty hack ones. It's always been one of the things that made it somewhat cool to be one.

I wasn't telling a joke, just saying "line of the day." Not sure why you're all butthurt but you're clearly a psychopath.

What kind of shitty cop out is that? You dumb dick. I didn't call you out for being the one telling the joke. I didn't call that guy out at all. I called you out for thinking it was the "Line of the Day".

Holy FUCK you're fuckin stupid.

I didn't think it was line of the day, I just felt like typing "line of the day" in an annoying Opie voice, so I did.

But since it upsets you so much, yes, I do think the original line was hilarious. White guys fucking black "women" is beastiality, that's true. Black "women" are the ugliest creatures on Earth.


Haha line of the day right motherfuckers are hilarious

It blows my mind that you actually see a shred of creativity in that line. The exact same joke is used 10 or 20 million times a week on the internet.

But I guess it's cool to be such a "rebel". Mahn.

You should let a shotgun blow your mind next time.

Fuck you and fuck your shitbag white trash mother. Hope that dopey cunt cancers out her lungs sooner rather than later.

Eat shit, faggot. Pussy little biiitch

you cant believe it? dont you think most white guys arent into black girls? i mean im barely interested in girls that arent white, asians sometimes but its super rare.

he did say hed have fucked francine though.

Na bro quit kidding yourself - you're either gay or racist if you have never found a latin/hispanic/black woman attractive. There are fucking billions of them you proud to be white queer boy.

I've always thought this too, there are literally hot women in every country. Of course they get much fewer and far between in the dead of Africa, but they're there.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but outside of white chicks and Spanish chicks, I don't find many Asian, black, or Indian chicks hot.

i love how you mention latin/hispanic women to rebuttal which = lots of european admixture.

wellll i was sort of speaking in general, im sure if i didnt have access to white pussy id be able to deal with non white girls. like i said, i consider some asians okay but ya its rare. i mean ive found some hispanic women attractive but it really depends how much european blood they have. jessica alba is a hispanic right?

also, dark vags/nipples arent appealing to me. there arent any women that dont do it for you? even indian women?

Mhmm, ok. I think you are looking for /r/whitegaymen sir

I have never seen an Indian women I'd like to fuck no, but they aren't that common here and they cover up their bodies often and smell bad... so it's not really a fair sample.

Sir, is it really necessary to smoke ALL the weeds? I'm pretty sure there's quite a many weeds that may not, when smoked, be the best for your health.

I'd have a lil taaaassste of this...

hmm i think i prefer the racist theory lol.

anyways w/e man, theres a reason bw/wm couples are so rare. im sure you guys disagreeing with me are all thinking of "black" girls with tons of european blood in them like rihanna.

Dating site stats show black women are the least desirable. Feel kinda bad for them but also I gots my only problems.

I was about to cite that fact also, this guy is empirically wrong.

Perhaps. But are most guys looking to date michelle obama or naomi watts regardless of race? All black celebs go for white girls. Why? They can. Im no stat expert just my perception. Honestly id love you to prove me wrong.

I always found it really strange that he would say he didn't find black women as a whole attractive. I remember when Patrice was in studio and they were pulling up pictures of models and Ant still said he wouldn't fuck them.

I generally find Asians to be the least attractive but of course I can still recognize that there are millions of them who are beautiful.

idk what time in particular youre talking about, but the time i remember patrice pulling up pics louis ck was in studio. all three of them: louie, ant, opie, werent turned on by like any of the pics.

I often find that when a white guy says hes attracted to some black girls, hes usually talking about heavily mixed "black" girls. eg: rihanna. i think if the guys downvoting me really thought about it, most of the black girls they find attractive have a lot of european blood in them.

I think it was just Opie, Anthony and Patrice in studio the time I'm thinking about. Patrice obviously liked the chicks they were showing and Opie agreed on some, but he also agreed with Ant on some of them too.

I can't speak for anybody else but I'm not focusing on how dark a girl is when I'm thinking about how attractive she is, I've seen just as many hot dark girls as hot mixed girls. It's more about her body type and facial attractiveness etc.

Bringing up Rihanna is interesting too. Donald Trump was on Stern and he made the point that non-celeb women are much hotter than celebs. So for every Rihanna there are a lot of attractive dark girls you've never seen.


Patrice really was just a big black ass.

Haha shit, I only caught half of that show. Gotta go back





Anyone have a link to this episode?

idk what time in particular youre talking about, but the time i remember patrice pulling up pics louis ck was in studio. all three of them: louie, ant, opie, werent turned on by like any of the pics.

I often find that when a white guy says hes attracted to some black girls, hes usually talking about heavily mixed "black" girls. eg: rihanna. i think if the guys downvoting me really thought about it, most of the black girls they find attractive have a lot of european blood in them.

It blows my mind that you actually see a shred of creativity in that line. The exact same joke is used 10 or 20 million times a week on the internet.

But I guess it's cool to be such a "rebel". Mahn.