Ant and Tits get back together,how long before the 1st on air fight?

0  2015-02-13 by snoopkhat

Passive aggressiveness all round from day one and Ant won't be taking any of Tit's shit.

ME: Leave it alone!


faggots, everywhere.

The only reason Anthony would get back together with Tits is for huge money.

If Anthony is close to breaking even with his SXM contract, it never happens.

That being said - it would take under a year for an explosion. At that point, Anthony should just play clips of O&J whenever Opie tells him he "can do this on my own."

I think it's the huge fucking audience that Sirius has that will ultimately bring Ant back.

If there hasn't been a fight by now- there never will. Plenty of opportunities for each of them to stick the boot in. Their both playing it smart

Anthony would come back to a giant paycheck, maybe bigger than Opie's, and a hero's welcome. After a year of being the focal point of the program, there's no way Opie would be content to 4th mic again on a show named after him.

It'd take less than 6 months before a major blowup. Something that makes Grape Fight and F.H. Riley's look like the boom times. Major, show-wrecking meltdown in under a year. If I were SXM, that is the real reason I would never bring Ant back. The dynamic is fucked. Its the Ant and Jim show or nothing.