Why didn't Norm and Artie team up on a podcast? They were awesome on Stern.

0  2015-02-13 by SkippinTurtles

They had Ant and Patrice type chemistry together. Norm and Artie tell great stories and are willing to talk shit and burn bridges.


Norm is funny as fuck but he's also a flake and can't even do his own podcast for longer than a few months without taking a year break.

I thought that was just his thing to do them in seasons and not as a year round thing.

first break he said he was gonna write a book but never did. Then he started back up cuz he thought he might get the late late show,when that didn't happen he stopped again.

Artie's the screw-up but it seems to fall on Norm. Get them on the same page. Both go for broke fuck-ups. Salud.

This would be great if Norm had the gumption.