Kevin Hart tweets a link to his 17 million followers to buy Rich and Bonnie's documentary. Something is wrong with the tweet.

88  2015-02-13 by pootsforever


This is perfect

According to the leaked Sony emails, the going rate for Hart to sell his twitter feed and plug a film is about 2million bucks - so despite fucking up the link and his name, ol' Vos must still be rubbing his hands together like an old Nazi propaganda poster..

Nice drawing of Dave Attell

not jew-y enough

Not accurate in Vos's case. Hands are too big.

What propaganda? A fairly accurate screenshot more like.

Le happy merchant

i hope rich paid him 10 thousand dollars for this hahaha.

That's how much jiggle tits shelled out to Rich and Bonnie so his wife Lynsi could have a "producer" credit.

to be fair, there are a lot of benefits that come along with that title. Its not a dumb thing to do.

Like what? I doubt Opie is going to get any money back from his investment.

I could be (and probably am) wrong, but don't you get to join certain unions and enjoy their benifits, like health care?

Your probably right, but Opie probably has great health insurance. Those SAG/Aftra, Writers, etc... unions insurance is a plus for people who need the help but Opie, Jimmy, and any other person who makes decent money gets their own insurance. People who had the Union insurance (i.e. Travolta,Deniro, etc) probably got their own insurance as soon as their quote got to be a million a movie.

Im sure Opie and his wife have the highest quality everything in life. Im just saying we dont know what went on. Maybe Rich went to Opie open handed and Gregg told him to fuck off. Bonnie went to the wife and she turned around and made Gregg write a check. Maybe Lynsi is the real producer and Opie is just the miserable piece of shit we know he is. It would make sense to me.

They've talked about getting private insurance through their corporation. Sirius pays them as contractors and does not provide health insurance.

Lynsi had to fuck Kevin Hart for the plug and credit.

Her snatch was dry, and loose. Like fucking a dead alligator, so Kevin purposely fucked up the plug.

Lynsi is happy though, she is a $10k whore, she is making big moves in Manhattan.

What a lady about the city, so successful because of things she accomplished.

He coughed up 10k and a night with Bonnie.


Lol. Poor Vos. But this is hilarious.

Such a good friend he can't even spell his name right

I am convinced this was intentional. Definite inside job. HAART system in action.




Spelled his name wrong too, just in case fucking up the link wasn't enough.

Best part

nigga needs a

It's like pouring water on a robot

warning warning women aren't funny women aren't funny

Dude. The last thing Vos should want is people seeing this flick. I love Vos and Bonnie but this is the weakest thing they've ever done.

My wife loved it and I was bored except for the brief moment Patrice and Anthony were on.

that was my issue, they showed some interesting guys in the trailer but then they were absent for the entire thing, instead we got ten minutes of Chelsea who gives a shit Peretti.

if someone has more than 5.000 comment karma and says they're married... I'm skeptical


Maybe they just don't make shitty comments? Plus over the course of 3.5 years 5,000 karma is not at all hard to come by.

It made me hate Bonnie and Rich by association. I used to think she was pretty funny but now I can't even watch her material anymore because of how needy and shitty of a person she is. They should hope that nobody continues to watch this and reveal that she's a horse's ass.

those interviews filmed on the iPod are so bad

Black people and spelling

Almost 17 million followers and only a few hundred favorites and retweets? Either his followers are fake as fuck or people really hate Rich Vos.

A bunch of "tickets" who don't know who Vos is. Probably a bunch of fakes too.

Gotta be fakes. Scary Movie was funny and all, but he didn't exactly star in it.

Oof. Tough break, Rich.

It's so fitting, like when Vos fucked up Patrice's name after his death.

This is the hardest I've laughed in a while.

Kevin Hart must hate Andy Kindler too.


I'm sooooooo happy about this.

Vos seems to be respected by black comedians. And by black comedians I mean Kevin Hart and Chris Rock. And by respected I mean tolerated.

and by tolerated, you mean disgusted by.


2015-02-12 22:26:59 UTC

Make sure y'all support my good friend Rich Voss Here's link to Women Aren't Funny Women Aren't Funny by Bonnie McFarlane https://itun.e

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Funny shit. Of course it was intentional by little Kev. Voss would have found that funny. Plus he put the name of the doc out there and spelt Bonnie's name correctly. Anyone who wants to find it will find it. If 15,000 of his 17m followers buy it, Rich may have a shot of paying Count Titula back.

I don't mind Kevin Hart, but it really bummed me out when it was disclosed during those leaked Sony emails he told them it would be "2 million dollars" if they wanted him to Tweet the link to whatever stupid movie was out for them.

Like...really, guy? It would take you 13 seconds to put that out. I could see if they were bothering you all day every day (who knows, maybe they were) but if they really only asked you once or twice and you were like "Na, 2 million bucks," don't you think you're only really going to shoot yourself in the foot doing something like that? How many millions did that stupid movie just make you, you can't help out the studio a little? Jesus.

Make sure you support my friend Rich Vosssssssssssssssssssss.

Linke here - I.tun

Y'all...he's clearly not a farmer or NASCAR guy. No need to dumb it down for the 'seeds.

Voss. About right.

Kevin Hart sucks.

But not as much as Opie



A bunch of "tickets" who don't know who Vos is. Probably a bunch of fakes too.

Gotta be fakes. Scary Movie was funny and all, but he didn't exactly star in it.