Biggest Loser in all of this ----> Joe Derosa

60  2015-02-13 by Enword__

Opie and Ant work out their differences. Ant and Bill work out their differences. And Joe Derosa fucked himself out of appearing on both shows.


It would all be worth it

He'll always have Kindler.

That's a bit like saying he'll always have AIDS, but without all the fun of dirty needles.

That's a bit

I read that as that's the bit. I need a break from this fucking place.

I hope so bro and then Derosa will make his own radio show "The Fag and Clownshoe Hour" and it will be just him.

Because he's both of those things is what I'm saying.

Nice I'm getting a show

You've earned it.

They're paying for it, You Eat it.

Yep. The important thing to remember about Derosa is that he is not smart. He acts like he is and tries to develop the personality of the guy who tells it like it is, but if you actually listen to him you will find him to be one of the dumbest comedians you've ever heard

He was the only guest I've ever seen who did more verbal limbo to agree with everyone in the room than Opie.

He's what you would call a "spineless shit".

It's the smart move; Opie was always smarter.

Let's not be hasty here...

Good fuck him.

If O&A got back together, Joe would immediately start sifting through the ashes of that burned bridge to try and find a way to fix it.

But at least he had all those black friends

And then there's Andy Kindler...

Joe Derosa, what about Joe Detulipa?

A man can dream

To be fair, he's just a loser in general.

There is justice!

This is what happens when you get involved in relationships, better to just stay out of it unless you have fuck you money...

They should invite all of Joe's black friends on too.

I am sure Joe is use to it by now. He has been a huge loser his entire life.

that parentless, soft-bodied zilch was always a loser.

I never heard of the guy until he did Rogans podacst. Needless to say i wasn't impressed

Joe Derosa is pathetic. Joe Derosa facebook likes 7328 and Scorch facebook likes 6085.

I like Scorch much, much better...

Weird Nuus!

Honestly the dumbest thing Derosa did was engage Ant on his show. Look at Burr, he completely ignored the situation and he got off completely and got no shit from the fans. Hasn't done the compound show or anything and no one gives him shit because he wasn't dumb enough to engage the whole situation.

'All this' meaning 'The Universe'.

Derosa was a loser even before any of this. By far the least funny "regular guest" in the history of the show. Bob levy looks like George carlin when compared to that amorphous retard

Oh cmon, Tom Papa was worse than Joe. At least give him THAT much. At least Joe had good taste in movies & pop culture references.

dErosUh iZ fuHneE


Where did all this O&A might be getting back together speculation come from? All I read was a couple nice exchanges. Did I miss anything where they talked about getting back together? I'm not being an asshole, Im just curious because I haven't had a chance to listen to today's TACS yet.

No, you're not missing anything. People are just trying to wish it into reality because they had a tiny back and forth on twitter which might look like the door is opening again.

You could've stopped at biggest loser

The problem is Joey Roses, unlike most other comedians in their "weird stage", decided to just talk shit about people and not back it up with any comedic talent or business savvy and straight up being a up a whiny bitch. He could've gone a lot further just being a kind of nice dorky guy than trying to act like a hardass

Please, he was a big loser long before any of this drama happened.

You're forgetting that Joe is still one of Bills best friends. This won't affect him in the long run.

Bill was one of the black friends DeRosa was talking about.

Derosa spent last year writing for Pete Holmes, he's going to be fine. If as many people cared about this shit as you thought Jimmy wouldn't be hustling for a web show while Opie corners the coffee mug market. Derosa has been banned from two buckets so he has to spend all of his time in the pool, boo hoo.

Yeah good point. The Pete Holmes show is a rousing success.

People liked it a lot. The Ben Stiller show got cancelled pretty quick and all those people never worked again, right?

Are you really comparing The Ben Stiller show, which won an Emmy to the awfulness that was the Pete Holmes show? Listen, I like Pete Holmes enough but the show didn't know what it wanted to be, for every funny bit there were 10 bad ones and the interviews were atrocious.

By making the comparison to the Ben Stiller show you should also know you are talking about the exception, not the rule.

Derosa has it on his resume and it will help him get jobs for literally his entire career. Fought with people on twitter isn't on his resume and wont hurt him in the slightest.

Okay, I see you're one of his fans, so this is pointless. Carry on.

I've literally never seen his standup, I just think the hypocrisy out of you kids is hilarious.

Being a writer on a show doesn't guarantee you anything.

And if you go watch his stand up you'll see how bad he is and why I err on the side of him not going on to great things (or as you implied be the next Judd Apatow or somethng).

Time will tell I guess.


Oh cmon, Tom Papa was worse than Joe. At least give him THAT much. At least Joe had good taste in movies & pop culture references.

People liked it a lot. The Ben Stiller show got cancelled pretty quick and all those people never worked again, right?