One of the best things to never happened

12  2015-02-13 by MarshallWatts

Patrice on Joe Rogan's podcast. Your turn.


Opie and Anthony being serious about their careers. Hiring actual publicists, having a quality website, strong visual element, fighting to retain a live audience and all that. If management wasn't going to do that, they should have done it themselves. If Muhammed won't go to the mountain, bring the mountain to Muhammed.

If they had one half of Howard Stern's business sense they would have surpassed Howard 10 years ago and they'd be the ones with the t.v. shows. We'd all be going, "Howard who? Oh yeah, that guy Opie and Anthony wiped out."

Agreed. If they had put in more off air effort they would've been bigger.

Patrice calling out both Opie and Ant's post breakup passive aggressive bullshit and forcing a sitdown.

I firmly believe that if Patrice was alive Opie and Anthony would still be together.

Anthony might not have been fired if Patrice was around

Joe DeRosa being sodomized by one of his black friends...oh said never happened...sorry.

Opie dying on-air.

You must not have listened to the show lately.


Scorch with a late night talk show.

I meant one broadcast from a studio and not from in the words of Steve Sweeney "An abandoned building outside Framingham"

that boat trip.

that would have been a blast.

a second animation fest. (fuck opie)

Joe DeRosa being violently aborted.

Joe Derosa never meeting his parents, because they, like everyone else, don't give a shit about him. Oh wait, dreams do come true.

Some 37 years ago I left Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with very two awful shoulders and a dream to become a coattail-riding zilch. I thank god this dream came true!

patrice doing a surprise set last night…i had my fingers crossed!

Danny finally getting drunk enough at The Compound to suck Ants dick while Ant is passed out!

Opie and Anthony being more mainstream

benjamin72 losing his virginity.

To a spiked baseball bat.

Ant going to the 3rd Patrice Benefit

Patrice telling DeRosa to get the fuck off his coat tails and go find your own way in the comedy business.

Obama not getting elected, Opie never making a Twitter account.

Patrice recovering and being alive 😞

Patrice would mention oxygen and Rogan would have gone on a partially informed diatribe about the benefits of oxy-meta-dextromorthaphine and how it's been used since the Mayan era.

He sucks, Patreeki is gone and Opie is awful.

Opie, Joey Roses and Sam Roberts sharing a row on United 93

Jim staying fat

Beat to death I know, but the up and down game.

Never* happen.
