Bill was great on O and J.Didn't mention Ant though.

2  2015-02-12 by OnAalldayyay

Seems odd a friend of the show wouldn't mention the fired co-host considering all the past audio.Maybe Ants scared to call Bill because he thinks Bill thinks he's a racist.Yip


I'm annoyed how they purposely didn't pick up any calls so Anthony wouldn't be mentioned at all.

The whole time Bill was there, I was just waiting for Opie to pick up calls.

The right time to take a call is when Patrice and Louis and Vos and Bawby and Jim and Anthony are dropping lines all over each other and falling off-mic laughing. You interrupt that or the listeners will feel alienated.

The only time you don't take a call is when people out there want to know something and it's precisely the right time and person to ask. Gotta stay mysterious.

I wish I could upvote this 100x.

What a fucking fraud Opie is. Will break apart instant-classic bits to have some retard trucker weigh in on the topic - but won't take calls for this?

It was boring as usual.

Apparently only Stuttering John has balls.

Tom Green brought it up too you fucking faggot.

Does anyone else find the irony of this post hilarious?

Where's the irony?

Slapping, even punching, probably won't leave a mark. I imagine Ant defended himself and made an effort to block or get out of the way.

He's a grown man, he doesnt need men in costumes to solve a problem so small. The police weren't going to prevent him from being fired.

As cowardly as Bill is being for not talking about Anthony, Jimmy should have brought it up because it would have made great radio. It is so strange that outspoken tough guy Bill Burr seemingly has no take on Anthony or his firing.

He doesn't owe anyone a 'take' on Ant. Burr has a great career going for himself, he's in movies now. Why would he bother showing support for a guy that is only known in the national level for being a racist?

It's also not his first time on the show since the firing. He was on the Montreal show and has called in at least one other time since.

Do you idiots really expect every guest to mention Ant every time they're on?

He WAS a friend of the show and seemed tight with Ant.The phoner was promo for the Patrice benefit and the Montreal show was its own thing.Though it was odd then also

He was never tight with anthony. Is everyone in this sub autistic?

What are you talking about.Excluding the one time where a race discussion got heated they had great chemistry.

So that would imply its because he thinks he is a racist.he doesn't owe it but most don't think that but it would appear Bill does.He at least agrees with management

He is a racist.

He's a confessed racist, and he called that hooker a nigger because she got upset he was taking her picture like a fucking creep.

Go up to a girl alone on the street in the middle of the night and start taking pictures of her. Let me know how she reacts.


Why would she resort to violence? They're pictures of someone in public. Oh fucking no, people can see you in public. She attacked Ant because she is precisely what he called her, a nigger. If anything Ant should have known better to avoid the groid.

Don't write the truth on here unless you want a massive amount of downvotes.

I expected as much. Reddit's full of niggerloving liberals who scream raycis.

Do you actually think you aren't racist though? I mean, who else says "nigger lover". That's like 1950s era racism. Why don't racists ever just admit what they are so we can just move on with the conversation? I'll never understand it.

What does it mean to be racist? What is racism?

rac·ism ˈrāˌsizəm noun the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

"the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race"

...which is true...

Forget about all the inferior or superior nonsense for a minute. Isn't it true that different races/ethnicities possess distinct physical characteristics?

What does any of that have to do with my initial comment? If you want to get into racial discussions, there are plenty of forums and people willing to do it. I don't care enough. If you can't admit Anarcho Rapitalist is racist, I don't know what else to say. You can shift the conversation all you want, but that was my only point. Good day.

Exactly. Stfu, stupid.

Exactly what? Why can't you losers admit to what you are?

Because "what you are" is exactly what we all are: We are all tribalistic. Saying that most people are otherwise is retarded.

"The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race..."

So you don't believe that there are differences between the races or ethnicities? Then why would the term "races" exist at all to begin with? Why even attempt to classify anyone if we are all the same? Are you denying that most or almost all Europeans have white or light skin, and brown or green or blue eyes, while Africans have dark or black skin with wide noses and a differently textured hair? Are you denying that Asians have different shaped eye sockets than whites and blacks? - oh, excuse me, I meant "Africans Americans," I hope I didn't offend you (rolls eyes). I can keep going on and on about the differences between the races or ethnic groups. Will you deny that all these differences exist?

If you don't deny the differences, then you're a "racist," according to the definition that you provided. If you deny the differences, then you're either a liar, or you're brainwashed by Cultural Marxism, or you're incredibly stupid.

Go fuck yourself, you social justice warrior. Go deny reality somewhere on an "anti-racist forum." If you get offended by anything posted on here then you're a sensitive little pussy.

I'm the farthest thing from a social justice warrior, dipshit. I just think people that say "nigger lover" are obviously racist, and I find it odd you guys refuse to own up to your own beliefs. My initial comment had nothing to do with you, but you piggy backed off it to say your pointless rant on race. I don't care, I know different races are different. So the fuck what? Not once did I deny there were differences anyway. What does that have to do with the guy I responded to saying "nigger lover"? You wanted to start an argument with me that I never cared about in the first place. Retard.

I just think people that say "nigger lover" are obviously racist

Once again, this goes back to my first point, which is: What does it mean to be racist? How would you define racism? The way you defined it is ridiculous. Thanks for proving my point.

"I find it odd you guys refuse to own up to your own beliefs"

You're inferring that I have any racist beliefs. I don't know that it means to have racist beliefs. I'm just trying to figure out what a racist is. You still haven't answered my question.

"My initial comment had nothing to do with you"

Of course it does. I'm sorry that you don't comprehend how your opinions about "wayyyyycism," whatever the fuck that is, affects other people. Maybe you just haven't thought this subject through, or maybe you're just dumb. Probably both.

"I know different races are different. So the fuck what?"

Then by the definition you provided, you're a racist. Thanks for proving my point again, which is that calling someone a racist is stupid because we're all racist to some degree, whatever that even means.

"You wanted to start an argument with me that I never cared about in the first place."

Obviously you do care or you wouldn't be responding. You're the social justice warrior here, not me.

"You wanted to start an argument with me"

I'm not trying to argue with you. I simply want to know what it means to be racist because the word 'racist' gets thrown around a lot to demonize certain people and conceal uncomfortable truths.

Let it go, saying "nigger lover" is about as obvious as racism can get. What's you deal? Again, you are arguing points I never brought up or really care about. I also didn't define racism, I copied it from the dictionary since I initially thought you were just retarded and honestly didn't know the definition. That's the last I'll speak on this. Keep making shit up and accusing me of being a SJW just because I think "nigger lover" is a racist thing to say and I find it cowardly you and the douche you're defending wont admit it.

You also keep conveniently keep omitting the part of the definition about superiority/inferiority. You do that because it's the only way you have to keep ranting about your views on race.

The superiority and inferiority stuff is irrelevant. And notice that I've never made a moral judgement about certain races or ethnic groups relative to other groups. I've only stated that all groups aren't the same.

Based on the definition of racism that you provided, a necessary condition of being racist is "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race." This is all that is required for someone to be a racist, by your definition. Simply acknowledging that this aforementioned antecedent statement is true necessarily leads to the consequent, which is "racism!" Maybe you should take an introductory-level college logic class so you can learn to reason correctly.

Stop pretending that everyone is the same - we aren't, and there's nothing wrong with admitting that. For example, there's nothing wrong with saying that blacks are, in general, more athletic than every other race, which is why college and pro sports are dominated by black athletes. Just watch an NFL or NBA game if you don't believe me. And every year, in sports that have predominantly white players such as baseball and hockey, those sports are becoming more and more filled with black players who are better than the white players. But I'm sure that you won't think this is racist, right?

And lets not pretend that you've never made a 'racist' joke or had 'racist' thoughts (whatever those are) or have treated others a certain way based on their racial or ethnic background, you hypocritical social justice warrior.

Again, I never claimed races didn't have differences, I just said that the anarcho guy was an obvious racist for saying nigger lover. You continue to avoid that and keep making an argument with me that I don't care about. Of course I've made racist jokes and all that. Are you still calling me a social justice warrior because I thought saying nigger lover was obvious racism and that the guy should just admit to his belief system. Are you incapable or reading the shit I've been writing. Are you psychotic?

Maybe you should take a look in the mirror because you're so clearly projecting. You're butthurt about a word someone used that you didn't like, but you couldn't explain why you didn't like the word because you couldn't define racism, which is why the word was supposedly making you upset. Thus, you then wrote a bunch of hateful shit and exposed yourself to be a simple-minded fool.

Seems to me like you're the angry one here. You can't even define a word and explain why it makes you so crazy. But please, continue to cry about how a word is so racist and offensive while also whining that you don't care and aren't a social justice warrior, LOL.

"making an argument with me that I don't care about." You don't care about it but you keep responding? Makes sense.

"Are you still calling me a social justice warrior because I thought saying nigger lover was obvious racism" The word 'nigger-lover' may or may not be 'racist.' I asked you to explain what racism is and you couldn't do that. By your own definition of "racism" or the one that you provided, you'd be a racist too (unless you're denying that there are no differences between the races/ethnic groups); so complaining about someone writing the word 'nigger-lover' on a Reddit post is really stupid and hypocritical.

I'm also far from offended. The reason I like Ant was that he wasn't a pussy coward like you and your boy Anarcho whatever his name his, he openly admitted to his beliefs and racism. You won't.

Well try and think logically for a minute instead of emotionally, you woman. What does it mean to be racist?

Saying shit like "nigger lover" would be a pretty obvious sign of racism, at least to people that aren't delusional and live in reality. Fuckin pyscho.

Once again, you're incapable of answering a simple question and reasoning, instead of whining like a bitch about nonexistent "waayyycismm." I'll ask again because you obviously STILL don't understand the crux of the issue: What is racism?

I already answered your stupid ass question. At this point I think you truly are retarded. You can't even admit "nigger lover" is a racist term. You are delusional. Fucking coward.

How do you know if the word is racist if you can't even properly define what racism is?

You believe there was violence? With no police report or pic of his "injuries"?

Yes he does. I mean c'mon, seriously? It's cowardly not to comment like he has no opinion whatsoever He obviously does, as evidenced by him acting like nothing at all happened. I think by not commenting he is trying to make a bigger statement, like that he is some how above all that now. And that's what happens when you get accepted into mainstream - anything that made you interesting before, like having an opinion, is completely lost to fear of losing that following

It doesn't benefit him to talk about it

The fact that some turd came in here an down voted everything just shows what kind of twat fans Bill has been collecting over the last couple years. OP makes a good point, why wouldn't they talk about Ant? This is the difference between Ant and Opie. Opie pretends he is fearless

Just like when Jimmy was on MMP, Bill said not to mention anthony. Opie was told the same at the benefit. It seems bill just wants and wanted to talk with ol' craterface.

He doesn't owe anyone a 'take' on Ant. Burr has a great career going for himself, he's in movies now. Why would he bother showing support for a guy that is only known in the national level for being a racist?

I expected as much. Reddit's full of niggerloving liberals who scream raycis.

What does any of that have to do with my initial comment? If you want to get into racial discussions, there are plenty of forums and people willing to do it. I don't care enough. If you can't admit Anarcho Rapitalist is racist, I don't know what else to say. You can shift the conversation all you want, but that was my only point. Good day.

Well try and think logically for a minute instead of emotionally, you woman. What does it mean to be racist?