Opie gives his side on the O&A relationship. Here comes the haters in 3,2,1

0  2015-02-11 by Tell_Em_Fred


Well don't post a clip or anything. That'd be unreasonable.

I for one would have been severely offended if a link or any sort of context had been provided.

Sign up and listen.


Fuck you


Where's the fucking link then, you stupid cunt

Sometimes the hate filled speech on here really makes my day lol

Would be nice if one of you sand niggers posted an audio link. Thanks in advance.

Your mom's box.

You gotta leave now

I hope Opie smacks you with his tits, you babbling quimcunt

I hope your mom gets that big black cock out her mouth for one moment before it skull fucks her to death. Oh and your mom's box.

Fuck Opie

Fuck Opie! He did fuck all to get Ant back. He has the nerve to say Ant doesn't mention him when it's him that hasn't mentioned ant in months.

I haven't heard the show yet so maybe this is a troll to demonstrate most people don't listen to the show. Whatever. Go look at the 30 comment listening threads for that, no need to pull hoaxes.

Anyhow, Opie did everything to get him back? No phone call in 6 months, no face to face meetings since the end of June, potentially signed a new contract as early as the 9th of July. Everything my aching ass. He fought harder to talk to Troy about diaper fetishism than he fought for Ant!

Ant doesn't mention him? Opie quickly blows past any mention of TACS. The room gets so awkward when a guest talks about it. You can clearly tell its on the Verboten List of topics. Ant tried to set up phoners, Ant tried to set up visits, Opie is the guy who has blown Ant off since June.

The july 9th thing is not true

And the rest of the points are dubious at best.

We don't know that I for one believed it was a drunk staff member who posted that considering it was gone that next morning.

Except a passive aggressive/condescending mention about a show in the basement.

Anthony has been extremely diplomatic when talking about Opie. Whats he supposed to do, defend Opie? It would take up all his time. He said many times Opie has been put in a bad spot, what more does he expect?

Haven't listened yet, did Jim chime in at all?

Jim didnt say much

Jim, trying to be diplomatic, explained how different the guys are and how he felt like the kid in a divorce.

Jim knows Opie is being a bitch...that's why he pushed him to go Ant's show and said the need to talk off air first was bs...Opie also said he fought Ant's battles and Ant needs to fight his own...HEY OPIE YOU FUCK, what can Ant fight with when you cut his legs out from under him by re-signing

And Ant has answered most direct questions directed to him about Opie from here in a very level headed and absolutely non-inflammatory manner. It doesn't bait us at all.

But that's not enough for baby boy Opie. He wants Ant to basically wage a war against the subscribers of his podcast over Opie's honour? It's very clear that there's a me vs. him divide in his mind. Anyone that hates Opie loves Anthony so somehow that's Anthony's fault and it's Anthony's responsibility to protect Opie despite the fact that Opie is stubbornly silent in support of Ant? He must think he's a very special Princess.

The fact that he says that entirely inaccurate & condescending statement about podcasts is infuriating. I would be very surprised if that comment doesn't make Ant upset in some way. If Ant should defend ANYTHING, it should be podcasts and not Opie.

Sorry I went off the rails there lol

Bullshit. Anth's show gets mentioned at least once a week.

Every time someone types "anth" a little kid gets cancer

What's wrong with "Anth". You don't like the nickname "Anth"? They call him "Anth". There, your future inbred kids will now die of cancer.

Full disclosure... I'm fucking your mom, so I guess we're siblings. But she only takes it in the ass so children aren't a concern.

Full disclosure, that was a lame comeback. It makes no sense. Try again sweetie.

If you didn't get it, that's on you. I have no need to impress a retard that types "anth"

Anth, Anth, Anth, Anth, Do the Anth dance. Make sounds like a chicken, rub your balls in it. Anth Anth Anth. Cock sucka!

Not by Opie.

Oh yeah? Do you listen to the full show every day? You're in a real pickle here. If you say you do you lose credibility from your fellow haters, if you say you don't than you don't know if Opie mentions Anthony's show or not.

Yeah i do actually. The only time Ant is brought up is by one of the guests like Stuttering John today.

I don't think that anyone cares about who here listens to what. It's about Opie and his actions/words.

shh, you're hurting the narrative.

I'm reserving judgment till i hear the clips

Clip, transcript, or summary you dumb fuck, you dumb fucker.

Made sense, little defensive but seemed truthful from his end. I'll listen to both separately but hope they come back together at some point. I predict -11

I liked how he kind of blamed Ant for the hate he gets on here. He said if Ant just said a few words then a lot of the hate would stop.

Yeah and then when he went on to say "who the fuck wants to do a show out of a basement, no offence to the podcasters out there".

Not sure if he was shitting on Ant or podacasters in general?

Fancy boy needs a nice studio in a big building to die on air everyday.

Yeah why would you want to do a show without worthless corporate oversight meddling in your every affair

Well he does have a point.

i thought it was douchy how, despite everyone trying to change the subject, Oqie felt the need to continually keep bringing it back up.

and in the end, he let everyone know the "haters" really do get to him....

It was honest at least. He shouldn't get hate for sharing how he feels on the issue, we want more stuff like this on the show to make it interesting.

What I don't get is why they don't talk it out in real life. People here like to blame Opie but Anthony is equally if not more to blame. We've seen over the years he's basically socially retarded and even no with the bill Burr shit. Considering the whole show blowing up had nothing to do with Opie, Ant really should've picked up the phone and been the one clearing things up with Opie. It is kind of a dick more for him subtly encourage the trashing Opie gets here and to no contact him and stuff. I think Ant is unjustly getting the benefit of the doubt from the fans and Opie (performance on air aside) is unfairly having frustrations taken out on him.

We're upset because he's siding with the company that fired his co-host. Maybe that's something we should hit him with, not just the loyalty shit.

Did he side with the company, or with himself and his own career? Why should he quit when Ant is already starting his own show? thus the communication, Ant should've communicated with Opie and start planning their next move.

If he gave a shit about his career maybe he could bring something to the table actually do some show prep for once

That's your complaint? Please.


/u/Tell_Em_Fred you're really taking a beating in this thread, but it's been a funny read this morning.

Oh I don't give a shit. Most of these hacks here have a raging lady boner for Opie. They obsess over him day in and day out. It's not like there breaking the internet or sumptin'. Glad I can entertain you sir.


OPie's a faggot

this is just some Stern clown stirring up shit...

No. I used to listen to Stern back in the day. Who didn't? Actually the shit stirrer is Stuttering John. He pulled that all the time on Stern between the staff. He's doing it now between Opie & Anthony. It's easy too since they don't communicate. Maybe he ia trying to get back on Stern by starting a flame war between O&A. Look Boff! Look what I did!

that's a reasonable explanation! I hate when people use common sense ...

at least it made for some interesting radio...that's all I want!

For the life me I can't figure how ppl can write how they "hate" another person they've never actually met. You all look silly. Those hating Opie for having creative differences with a guy that says a lot of volatile things are delusional and need to grow up. You are the epitome of why most celebs hate their fans. Regardless of what you think you might know about Opie, you would never say that shit to another grown man. If any of you showed some of your "zingers" to one of the radio guys you ball wash (Ronnie, Ant, Rogan, esd) they would look at you with revulsion. This shit is a business and Opie has always been the business side of the show.

If every troll like this used their energy for anything remotely useful we'd probably have cold fusion and perpetual motion by now...

In this subreddit we follow the laws of thermodynamics!

I get that reference!

Did he side with the company, or with himself and his own career? Why should he quit when Ant is already starting his own show? thus the communication, Ant should've communicated with Opie and start planning their next move.

Full disclosure, that was a lame comeback. It makes no sense. Try again sweetie.