Why did Vos hate Mike Birbiglia so much?

2  2015-02-11 by [deleted]

I didn't think Birbiglia was that bad on the show. Yeah, he was kind of a bit-doer, but he mixed it up and stayed on his toes on a live show a lot better than most of those types of comics.

Every time the two were on the air together, they were at eachothers throats, with Vos instigating. What was Vos' deal? Jealous? Was there some off air fight years prior? Just Vos being retarded Vos?


It was because Birbiglia was way more successful than Voss.

That's a long list...

"Hey, firsch of all..."

"theresch no second of all"

"Firsht of all, okay..."

Look heresch the thing, okay?

Vos doesn't hate Birbiglia. He hates Burrbiglioh

Because it seemed that Birbiglia would only trash him on air, unlike the other comics who would do it off air as much as on air. He felt that Birbiglia was being malicious just to flex his muscles around the jocks (and Opie)

Have a source on that?

I think Vos said it in the JBL vs Vos show that Mike was in on

Vos was/is jealous of his success.

Vos got all pissy because Birbiglia basically acknowledged that hes a shit comic, who does shit gigs while on the air. Vos was trying to pull some seniority bullshit, but Mike had none of it.

Birbiglia was a passive-aggressive, too cool for the room, ironically ironic cunt when he was on with Vos. And as dumb as Vos can be, he's tough and quick as fuck. He saw what Birbiglia was trying to do (he thought Vos was the weakest guy in the room and the easiest target) and he called him out on it.

Because he is a boat act.

Vos says this to Colin, Bobby or Norton I think every appearance.

To become a boat act himself, Vos would have to move to Somalia.

Birbiglia is fucking awful. Vos is awful too, but at least he's "fun" awful. Kind of like "The Room."

Maron & Birbiglia got into it on Twitter back around Thanksgiving, and it was awesome. Oh, did Maron fucking bury that cock-a-roach. He was even talking shit about his wife, if I remember correctly.

The mitch hedburg events. Vos talks about how mike was a phony at them.

I'll just start by saying I am and will always be a Vos supporter, despite him being dumb and wrong most of the time.

This was a case of Vos expecting the younger (and possibly more MAINSTREAM successful) comic to kiss the proverbial ring, in general and ESPECIALLY because it was on his turf (O&A) with his friends (Norton/DiPaolo). Maybe that was unwarranted, but Birbiglia could have been smarter with the shots he took. Especially if he understands his crowd.

Birbiglia had the opportunity to take some shots, but in this instance it wasn't in his best interest to really lay into anyone, yet he did. And he did it hard. And he got what was coming to him.

Jim would not lay into Carlin if he was still alive and having him guest on his podcast. I wouldn't act like a dick if I was on Legion of Skanks/Bertcast/Adam Carolla/Nick DiPaolo/Race Wars/etc.

Am I missing something?

Unless I am, all he did was make a couple of softball jokes about Rich appearing at hole-in-the-wall venues, and that was apparently enough to make Vos go apeshit on him. Sandy vagina much.

Apparently you're supposed to respect a 60 year old road comic. Sorry Vos, you're not big-time and you're only owed the level of respect you give out.

Please tell us more about what your autism made you imagine!

"theresch no second of all"

"Firsht of all, okay..."