Let's be honest, Opie's apology clock was bit gold

3  2015-02-11 by mtx093

Opie coworker: 'Opie you've covered 22 apologies this week and it's only Tuesday. We're never gonna make it 10 days without an apology.' Opie: 'No we're sticking with 10 days that's the bit!'


The most infuriating part of that bit was Opie insisting with Sam that the clock be 10 days.

They had the following convo several times:

Sam: when we started this, we said the clock was 7 days.

Opie: No, it has to be 10 days.

Sam: But we haven't gone more than a few days without an apology. We'll never make it to 10.

Opie: Exactly, that's the bit!

Sam was 100% right - Opie created a never ending bit. In a few weeks it was beaten to death.

Let's also not forget that the bit was boring to begin with. And yet, Opie pounded it into our skulls for weeks on end.

Why 10? Doesn't a week of radio make more sense ? He's so fucking stupid.

You gotta have a nice round number. He was taught this by Brother Wease. He knows radio. You just don't get the bit.

Again, he's just too stupid to realize that a shorter timespan would actually make a stronger point.

The worst part about this shit is that if they didn't have a big celebrity apologizing for something they would settle for a local news anchor or radio personality from some Podunk town in the Midwest. Obviously somebody out of the millions of people in America who are "public figures" is going to apologize for something at some point inside of 10 days. It didn't even prove a point.

Because this is the only show prep they would do for it. Everyday, they would start from the top and read down story by story. It was so fucking lazy and a horrible way for O&A to end.

Magically all the apologies stopped when Ant was shit-canned


This was the worst bit in all of radio. Granted there was some funny in there (never from opie) but it was mostly the same boring shit every day/apology.

Still not sure which was driven more into the ground. That bit or the daily Tiger Woods talk from several years ago.

It was a good bit.