Does anyone else find it ironic that juggs is bashing on other shows... or is that the bit?

13  2015-02-11 by 3noir


Opie had the audacity to trash Scott and Jade for doing a weather break.Did he forget last week when he did a whole week on "snowmageddon" as he called it.When Ant was in jocktober was hilarious.Now it just seems odd those guys are mocking them when their show is shit.

If Ant did a jocktober of the O&J show, reddit would shit and cum its pants.

Someone really needs to step up and cut come clips so Opie can Jocktober himself.

The payoff being that the snowstorm wasn't even that bad. The ketchup is the same, nobody got the flu and it snowed 7 inches. ITS A WILD SHOW! PEW PEW PEW LASER STINGER

God it's really depressing

i'm sure its different for o&j since they are on satellite radio and can curse, so they are edgier.

Todd and Jayde and Opie and Jim are the same damn show so how can either show bash each other? Opie mocked Todd for talking about the Grammys and Spongebob. What did Opie talk about? The Grammys and Spongebob. Its the pot calling the kettle a nigger and we all know we need Ant around for that to work.

Jim even pointed it out, it sounded like he had some desperation in his voice.

You can't say "big fat sloppy cunt" on Todd's show, so there's that difference.

It's not me.

You should be a bot you fat pig

It's embarrassing how this post backfired on you. Go fuck your mother.

It's "the bit" if anyone calls him out on it; if not, it's simply "great radio."

What is the Worm doing during these jocktober bits? He cant be very enthusiastic about it ,surely.

He's squirming in the dirt in search of a paycheck to eat. He's mortgaging his soul one hour at a time.

He's pretty ballsy after that fresh contract. The Ketchup Challenge Kid had a reason for completely blowing off Jocktober (knew he couldn't do it justice and feared retaliation) but he likes to get his hits in on Todd now, huh?

If you laugh, its not a bit.

If you find it unbearably douchy, then its the bit.

The true bit is that it's the bit and its always been the bit. The Bitrix .

To be fair, that Todd show or whatever was really fucking bad. Way worse than anything Pudding Tits and The Paycheck Kid have done.


If you don't like it find fans of Opie somewhere and post there.

I don't really give a shit as long as you pricks are being creative. OP's observation has been hammered home numerous times. If you're just gonna recycle the same message board bits, at least strive for some creativity. DAE-style circlejerking is the most unoriginal Le Reddit Army cancer there is.

Reddit has a system where you can register your opinion quietly.

God it's really depressing