Did they trash Derosa on today's Race Wars?

2  2015-02-10 by ckelly54

It said he called in on the Cumia subreddit. I very much hope this is true.


Spoiler: On every podcast I listen to, if Joe comes up, they trash him. And I'm not talking in the haha let's goof on our friend style trashing, they either legit trash him, or they basically say "fuck that guy" and avoid even talking about him any further.

I hope so.

http://www.standupnylabs.com/?portfolio=race-wars its ony the 1st few seconds.Joe prob wanted to talk about his tough twitter year.

They should actually get in contact with DeRosa and have him on the show to confront him about it, because hearing those two glorified idiots blather in circles about how no shoulders sucks is a waste of time.

those two glorified idiots

Metzger is an idiot?

"glorified idiot" is one of the laziest insults I've heard in a long time. It barely makes sense.

He's a notch and a half below Joe Rogan.

Metzger is fine. The podcast would be great if it weren't for his girlfriend he has on it. She's absolutely insufferable.

I actually don't mind Keren, but that other bitch is AWFUL. The one who sounds like she's reading from her college sociology textbook any time she tries to make a point.