I don't normally jump on this opie hate wagon but he stole from Rogan im pretty sure.

4  2015-02-10 by Littlebigjohn1

So I listened to Mondays show on ondemand today and there's a point where opetto is talking about this documentary site he's hooked on. He starts talking about the doc about the hit man, I'm pretty sure it's called the "Ice Man" or something along those lines. Then I listened to Rogans podcast and the way opie described it and the interviews with the guy are basically verbatim the same. It was JRE #604. Did this actually happen or am I losing my mind and becoming a hater?

Sorry about the shit grammar.


I don't normally jump on this opie hate wagon


Lol how does that make me a fag? I done like him I just don't post about it.

You must like being on the bandwagon then? You just proved your own faggotry lol.

Excuse me sir, when did you find proof of him being on this bandwagon?

I don't like Opie, but I would hardly call that stealing.


Pretty sure he's talking about this

Whats the documentary channel?

I can't remember off the top of my head. Rogan didn't mention the channel. Opie mentioned it but id have to listen to it over again to remember it.

Was it "The Iceman Cometh"?

Yes, about the mafia hit man. I've seen it before, it was pretty good


i think you can watch it on netflix

Excuse me sir, when did you find proof of him being on this bandwagon?