Opie says "boat movie" years before Scott Shannon

70  2015-02-10 by CountBubs


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deZXZoYixyM (2 min clip)

Combined the clip of Opie saying it in 2005 and them playing the clip of Scott saying it in 2013.

Great find.

That's great!

Thank God for Colin Quinn.

What's worse is after he says "movie" more times in a row than Chip in that vine video.

Great find.

Starts at around 14:44

that's a great find

Great find.

Why doesn't this have like 100 upvotes right now?

They mocked shannon relentlessly for that!

These need to be assembled into some Opie supercut.

Opie is so bad that even his bombs are less funny that other people's.

"I wanna see the boat movie," is unintentionally comedic gold.

"That movie when she was on that boat" is just Puddintits McDumbGuy being a simpleton as always.

I love Colin for the simple fact that he keeps jimmy's dopey "serious voice" in check

Opie insulting the quality of other radio shows while behind the wit of Jim and Ant disgusts me. Like a scrawny little faggot who talks shit behind his two swollen negro friends.

Infuriates me when he gets in on calling Vos dumb, too. Who the fuck does he think he is?


I wasn't even trying to find shit to hate on Opie. I was just watching old clips of CQ on O&A and I thought it was pretty funny that Opie did the EXACT same thing 7 or 8 years before he made fun of it

He didn't say the exact same thing man. He was talking about a movie that he saw years ago with Nicole Kidman that had something to do with a boat. Not that he wanted to "see the boat movie" that was about to come out. Not remembering the title of an old movie and enthusiastingly wanting to see a movie that you don't even know the title of is way, way stupider.

It's like if I said "That movie with Keanu Reeves where he's on the bus". I'm not a retard for forgetting the title of Speed.

Dead Calm came out in 1989 - god forbid he forget the title of an okay movie from 16 years ago.

"Movie with the boat" and "The Boat Movie" while not verbatim, are pretty goddamn similar. Similar enough that he's still an ass for saying it

He didn't say "movie with the boat." He said "The movie where she was on that boat, her breakout film?"

Even Colin made fun of him for the same reasons that they made fun of Scott Shannon for!

Yes but the movie was 16 year old at that point. Not a movie he was excited to see. It wasn't that dumb a thing to say. It's goofable but it's not senile-sounding.

Anyone might say something like that. "What's that movie where Vin Diesel is driving the cars?" "What's that movie where Leonardo Dicaprio is on the boat?" "What's that movie where Keanu Reeves is on the bus?"

Even if I did agree with you, this subreddit hates Opie so much that it doesn't matter.

He made an ass of himself, the context doesn't have to matter.

Yep, and you're right for bringing this to us. He did the exact same thing practically. I hate that guy more than I hate my dad.

I wish you'd jump the shark, and not make it

yah why dont u jump the shark and fall in or sumptin